is the protostar better than the counter attack in your opinion and im having a hard time picking my second yoyo and i think i might get the dark magic or the counter attack or the convict what are your opinions on those yoyos.thanks ;D
Im more than sure the Counter Attack and Protostar are both equaly amazing yoyos…Pick according to shape, I’d go protostar
Neither is better it’s about preference(size, shape, weight, looks,etc) I personally went with the Counter Attack because the Protostar looked pretty cheap to me. anybody else think that way?
I would agree that the ProtoStar looks a bit cheap, It doesn’t play cheap though, quite the contrary it plays like a dream. Now i haven’t tried the counter attack, but as yoyoblaze stated, it’s a matter of preference. Considering shape I’d pick the ProtoStar
Protostar for sure. That thing is a weird shape but Man is it a good throw!
I know YYF are personally most excited about the protostar and when I got one I can see why, they FLY!
The shape is derived from the YYF SEVERE, and if not they’re pretty darn close!!!
i also heard that the counter attack is less advanced than the protostar. would the protostar be to advanced for a intermediate player
if you can bind well no problem
I have tried both, and in my opinion, the Protostar is better.
could you guys put the pros and cons YOU think they have
Counter Attack.
Pros: Nice familiar shape similar to that of the PGM. Nice grinds.
Cons: Vibe problem.
Pros: Very smooth and much longer spin than the Counter Attack. Center Trac Bearing.
Cons: If this is only your second yoyo, you may find the ultra wide shape and extreme unresponsiveness frusterating. Grinds badly, the texture is much too smooth and glossy.
I personlly prefer the Protostar, but that’s just me. I’d reccomend the Counter Attack for you though.
The Counter Attck also has a center trac bearing
is the protostar so unresponsive you would have to double bind it
No, you can do a regular bind, but you’ll find it harder to bind once the K-Pads wear down.
That’s why I think the Counter Attack would be better for you, because the gap is a little smaller and easierto bind.
Very few yoyos are so unresponsive that you would have to Double Wrap it. I believe most people only double wrap in 4A.
Like JUMP said, after K-Pads are worn down, it’ll be harder to bind as the binds will get more slippery. Perhaps then will you have to double wrap…
My K-Pads are pretty worn out, (I want me some of them yellow ones) and it does slip a little but not much… It really doesn’t affect play too much
I was to lazy to read the hole thread but the protostar is “beter” or a more advanced yoyo.
well i would say definitely dont get a dark magic or an x-convict unless your lucky because yyj has absolutely zero quality control 2 of the 3 yyj yoyos i got had a problem. but in the mater of the yyf yoyos id go with the counter attack because its jump off of the grind machine which is an already proven yoyo when although i havent played with the protostar and everyone says its amazing its a brand new version 1 yoyo so there could be bugs i would wait untill version 2 comes out or just wait a till some more reviews come out on it to be sure of its quality

well i would say definitely dont get a dark magic or an x-convict unless your lucky because yyj has absolutely zero quality control 2 of the 3 yyj yoyos i got had a problem. but in the mater of the yyf yoyos id go with the counter attack because its jump off of the grind machine which is an already proven yoyo when although i havent played with the protostar and everyone says its amazing its a brand new version 1 yoyo so there could be bugs i would wait untill version 2 comes out or just wait a till some more reviews come out on it to be sure of its quality
Punctuation is your friend.