Is the outlier plus a new and improved seji?

I was about to get the seji as a kit of peoeok had good things to say about it and that the weight distribution rally good. But the outlier plus still is very long spinning and the main thing is that it is a whopping 4 mm wider than the seji. According to Brandon’s theorem wider yoyos are better for comp. Is it worth picking the outlier over the ski just for the width?

(Warning, for those of little patience, or those with attention deficit syndrome, or those that feel they already know everything and don’t need to consider anything else… My suggestion would be to save yourself from crying like a baby and telling me my post is too long. If you got to this point, and you can’t handle functional information just move on. Thank you.)

If you watch Brandon‘s video, where he explains how his yo-yo evolved to his latest widest model, he clearly states that the yo-yo ended up with the dimensions and specifications, based on what he specifically felt he needed a yo-yo to help him, hit his bangers and score higher in competitions.

I don’t remember reading anything about him saying that everybody needs a wider yo-yo for competitions if they want to hit a higher percentage of tricks?

Obviously, everybody that yo-yos and wants to get better, especially better faster, or better in competition is looking for that extra yo-yo factor that’s gonna help them to the next level.

It’s no different than people that keep changing the wheels and bearings on their skateboards or buying a new golf club or a set golf clubs or getting a new scope for your hunting rifle. The newest wax for skis or surfboards. A better guitar pic. You know, the one that your favorite guitar player uses. How about the new yo-yo string formula that contains strand of something that is not in the string you’re using now? That slightly tweaked formula should Improve string tension and sleep time and slack and laceration and whip characteristics, shouldn’t it?

Something few people actually consider when and or if they read the descriptions of new yo-yos or anything… But here, obviously the focus would be more on new yo-yos.

Some of the stories actually sound like adventures. And how our player wants to improve his play by improving his yo-yo. So he works with a company or maybe he does it himself. But what he does is, he goes through a series of protos, Looking for the element that he’s been missing? That performance enhancement that will accelerate his trick hitting potential and result in higher scores when he competes or she competes or whatever their pronouns are if they compete…

And usually, it’s very clear that the result of all the testing is a yo-yo that was designed for their style of play and their particular needs and how are you needs to play to improve their percentage in the scoring department.

The stories don’t necessarily specifically point out that the yo-yos are made for me or you or us or anybody. They are made for the person that is identified with that particular signature model.

Brandon in his video explaining his new yo-yo very clearly states that the yo-yo he was using already was very good but he knew he was missing something. So he went through a series of yo-yo tweaks in the design of his newest yo-yo until he became happy with the results he achieved the changes that were made, one of them being, more width to help him knock out some of his bangers.

No Doubt, a lot of new yo-yos can potentially have advantages by advancements in performance technology. But one of the reasons some obviously good yo-yos seem to show up on the BST is simply result of the fact that just because it is incredibly well tailored for a particular person does not mean that it will be well suited for your Particular needs.

It seems that as time has marched on, there are a number of yo-yos that fall into categories of technical and visual characteristics that often cause a puzzling dilemma for people that want to buy a new yo-yo. Personally, I have no idea whether the companies are watching each other and trying to trend the same way or whether great minds Just think alike?

But if you keep an eye out and you see things like the Klondike, for example. And then yo-yo friends has a yo-yo called the da Vinci. And then you see a yo-yo like the kagarou. And then you land on the description of a yo-yo, called the shade, and then you copy and paste all four of those yo-yos on one page and you start staring at them. The next thing you know it almost seems like they’re from the same village… Go figure?

I only jumped into this thread because that question about whether the plus is like an improved version of another yo-yo, just goes to show you the misconceptions or misunderstandings that people have when it comes to yo-yo design, technology, and functionality.

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with liking signature yo-yos. Almost all yo-yos seem to be very good quality nowadays.

But for people to unwittingly draw the conclusion that are yo-yo specifically designed and tailored to a high performance player is going to fit their exact, particular needs, it’s not even logical, rational, or reasonable. There’s no doubt that all high-performance players have a pretty sharp idea about how high-performance yo-yo needs to be for them.

But even if the best player in the world, wears the best shoes in the world, That doesn’t mean those shoes(yo-yos) Are going to be the best fit for you.

Consider that reality.


Pretty much everything @yoyodoc said. One more thing to consider is the Seiji released in December 2022. Since then we have gotten the outlier 3 (which has similar specs width wise to the seiji) and the outlier plus. To reiterate MO’s advice it comes down to what is best fit for you. I’d recommend making your way to a club or contest to be able to try out different yo-yos and see what is best for you and your style.

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I don’t see much similarity between Seiji and Outlier+ other than they’re “competition” yoyos

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Brandon stated in his video that ones you jump from a 50mm yoyo to a normal wide yoyo,uoull wonder why people even used the yoyos in the first place. It not just Brandon, in fact in 2024 and late mid and late 2023 bimetal flagships have actually before in 2022 and prior years a good compitition yoyk was considered to be around about 45 to 47mm,and lighter the better. But these days I 2023 and 2024 wider is better as well as heavier is also better. You’ll see that trend if you look at the flagships,yoyofruends peregrine x follows that formula, so does the shytter elite, outlier plus, edg 4.0.Therefore not only did Brandon state that it is in fact better than a yoyo that is mor narrow than 50 mm but also, if it were the case that it were to be his thing only other componies would not be doing it

If looking for a high performance compitition yoyo I actually think it is actually pretty much an all size fit all size fits all situation as tech tricks are not scored in a compitition anymore and so therefore the wider the gap the better chance of hitting your elihop o combos and is better for zontals and zoning. 2023 world yoyo compitition created a n entire new world of competitive yoyoing where hooks, over the head combos as well as elihop combos, horizontal combos and baccically every trick that scores nor days benifits from a wider yoyo. So if anything the reality is that a wider yoyo is pretty much better than one that Is less wide, I just want to know from people that have played with both yoyos the difference in weight distribution, to see if weight distribution is worth it as weight distribution also plays big role in competitive yoyoung

Is we were talking about getting the yoyo simply for you, then we would be having a different conversation. But for compition tech tricks don’t score, so there fore there is no harm in using a wide yoyo as well as no reason to use a more narrow yoyo if you could choose any other yoyo. So I do in fact find it logical, rational and reasonable if competition to pick a wider yoyo over a more narrow one,

He did actually state that it would help everybody for competition as if the yoyk is wider, it’s simply eaiseir to hit your banger hand hard tricks and hooks.

My take on this is that wider yoyo usually makes landing tricks easier since you have a bigger margin for error but there are other factors to consider when choosing a yoyo to land your tricks(comp yoyo).

In my case, in order to hit my tricks the yoyo has to be comfortable and pleasant to play with. I have played yoyos which were wider, more stable and packed more power but I still hit my tricks better on my favorite yoyos. (also me knowing how my yoyos play might have affected my inability to hit tricks on the borrowed yoyos :slight_smile:

For example if you have smaller hands, having a 50mm yoyo (Outlier +) might be uncomfortable when binding (same goes for the seiji) or it may be comfortable and exacly what you are looking for. I could go on about these “factors”.

Also another thing I would like to add is that “Brandon said” doesnt mean its universal truth, because he has to praise his yoyos in order to sell them.

Another thing to mention is that tech tricks dont score as well because they are hard to click hence why judges are more sceptical (from my understanding) to score hefty amounts of clicks.


Why stop at 50mm, wider is better so might as well skip the Outlier+ and go straight to the C3 Super Scintillator or Mega Monster. 58mm>>50mm after all.

On a less silly note, the Seiji and Outlier+ have some reasonably clear design differences that mean saying one is an upgraded version of the other will likely do them both a disservice. E.g. the Seiji is 7068 and has an overhanging steel rim so more of its rim weight will be pushed to the edge.

I say just pick one. You already got a bunch of feedback on how they both play in your last thread comparing the two, so you can make an informed decision. I’m sure you’ll be happy with either.

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Thanks, I decided to get the outlier plus

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Yeah, but I personally found this true, and didn’t say that Brandon is correct, I said according to Brandon’s theorem. I have an edge 2022 an iq and love that width which is similar to the outlier plus, but I’m looking for a more powerful throw.It’s also worth mentioning the reason I picked these two is because I already know what somthing like that feels like in my hand and tis perfect

The weight distribution on super wide yoyos are not that powerful and often lack sointime and stability. They are also very vibey and I’m looking for an outer rim bimetal design

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I’m glad after 3 threads and countless replies that you were able to settle on what you and I already knew was the best yoyo. The yoyo sages have recently spoken and competitive players like you and I have been enlightened and brought out of the dark ages of narrow, single metal yoyos to very wide bimetal designs (but not too wide of course). It is now our job to preach this gospel to all those that will hear our words. You have done well to teach all in this thread and I pray that they will listen.

I eagerly await what will be the next innovative break through that our leaders like Brandon will bring us next. Will it be tri-material? Will it be even wider? Time will tell what will help me to better hit my whips and meta on stage.


AFAIK the Outlier series is developed from the Werrd Irony JP which Brandon used to win Nats around '15.

Extra width and shaving the last bit of wall away for better sideways action. The JP also had a 5mm axle which apparently made them a bit fragile, my Werrds are super tough so I can’t comment there.

The Outlier+ is what I would have chosen, and if you’re interested in a mono take a look at the Werrd Sentinel

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Thanks, DEFNITLY agree, can see ltos of companies copying Brandon’s approach. I think the new thing to do might be magnisuim body, or somthing like that, but for now and I think for maybe the next 3 to 5 years, most comp yoyos will have the same formula the outlier, as many companies have copied it such as the shutter elite and much more throws. Can’t wait for my outlier plus

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