Is the outlier plus a new and improved seji?

The crazuest hung is how the outlier went from 41 to 55mm

Didn’t seem too help him much at worlds tough, he didn’t make finals. Though he did win prelims

A question for you…

The Outlier + weighs 66 grams.

I would consider something like the TP Hades(at 80 grams) to be more of an ‘extreme’ weight.

Did ‘you mean’ that because of the overhanging rims, it creates a more powerful ‘weight distribution’?

I fully understand that what you said and what you actually meant, can be different enough to inspire my curiosity.

Regardless, the wording of your statement sure caugh my attention, lol.


A truer statement would be more like, ‘Almost all Companies already fiddled with Brandon’s’ theory, years before he even had a theory, lol.

Just follow the designs history of 1 Company. Yoyofactory has been moving designs around for 20 years. Wide yo-yo….Monster. Serious overhang weighting… Avant- Garde. I could go on for quite awhile.

Brandon is an amazing player. He is also a very positive personality in the yo-yo World. He makes very entertaining videos and makes friends wherever he goes on Earth.

But, his yo-yo designs are neither groundbreaking or something almost all Companies are copying…

Realize that he is trying to ‘Perfect’ the perfect design for ‘him’. Since he is seeking the best playing design for ‘him’, his results may or may not be the perfect yo-yo design for you.

I’m not much of a yo-yo playing trick machine… but ‘I do’ constantly watch what yoyo Makers are doing, why they are going in various directions and what they are trying to achieve. ……Most Companies aren’t flowing based on what Brandon is ‘doing’.


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I’m talking about compition throws, before this current trend of comp yoyos, the formula of a good comp yoyk was to make it quite light, so the average weight for a comp yoyo was actually. Considered to be about 63 to 65 gram. They wanted to make a yoyo which used its weight most effectively, to have a very powerful throw, while at the same time having the yoyo be light. Now days, a lot of companies, well not necessarily companies but rather players are now copying Brandon’s approach
Now days the forumala of a typical flagship yoyo is to have it about past 50mm,as we can see the new miracle prototype is 50mm and 66 grams copying Brandon’s approach, so Is the shutter elite, and the starlight and a whole lot of other comp yoyos released im 2024. It’s ahrd to explain all this for me
Anyways not many competitive yoyo players or any at all I think are fount to use a 80 plus gram yoyo. They gonna have a hard time hitting over the ehad combos and their bangers. When I say extreme weight distribution I mean having the most amount of weight on the rims of the yoyo. Also to mention, 68 grams in the yoyo community is already considered to be an extreme weight. So very heavy for a yoyo

There is something ground breaking about his designs. It’s very hard to find a yoyo that is 50mm wide, that is an outer ring OVERHANGING rim yoyo.

But…… the quote I used (your words > “I chose the outlier plus is I wanted a big width but also an extreme weight”.

If you would have said, ‘wide yo-yos with extreme weight >distribution< your statement would have given a much more accurate explanation of ‘what you were actually thinking/what you actually meant.

My response was based on what ‘you said’, not on what I should have guessed you meant…

First off, I’m glad you’re enjoying the Outlier+, it sounds like it’s everything you hoped for and that you made the right choice.

I thought some of the ideas you mention here were interesting enough to discuss a bit further. Funnily enough, despite there being a sort of community consensus that bimetals were trending lighter (63-64g or so) pre-covid, from what I can tell the yoyos actually used at the top level have stayed pretty firmly within the 65-66.5g range since 2010 or so (with only one or two years the average dropping to 64-65g). That’s considering both bimetals and monos together. There is also often at least one +68g throw sprinkled in the WYYC finals, usually by someone using a TP throw lol (Jason Liu even used a 76.6g Collapsar in OWYYC2021) though those are all obviously outliers (heh) from the norm.

In terms of 50mm wide, overhanging outer rim bimetals, the C3 Galaxy Diver, C3 Vanitas and WilderneSS all fit the bill and came out before the Outlier+ (WilderneSS may be shortly after, not sure) and those first 2 have both been used in WYYC 1a finals before and released in 2020. I’m sure with a bit more effort several more examples could be found as well.

So I think the trend has been around a bit and is just gaining steam thanks to the increase in +50mm comp yoyos in general which personally I’d attribute in large part to the Wilderness/W1LD’s success last year and this year and the Wangle/Edge pushing the comp yo-yo width boundaries before that.

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Also “overhang bimetal” is arbitrary and not inherently better than something like a Savage.

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I forgot to put in the word distribution, but that’s what I meant

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I did not say it was inherintly better, I just said that’s what I was looking for

Galaxy Diver yo-yo…

50mm wide

Overhanging rims

65.5 grams

Came out 3 years ago

Nice, I don’t understand how this costs less than the outlier though, it had more steel on it and it’s also made up of 7068 which is more premium. Maybe we paying for the name

49 mm actually, it’s actually a huge difference between 49 and 50mm.the iq is 49 and the outlier is 50.and reres a huge difference

The Galaxy diver is also a true overhanging design which I don’t know if I consider the outlier + in that category. The price is cheaper because c3 sells way more yoyos and can afford to offer them at a cheaper price. Only a few companies have that privilege.

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Yeah, the Outlier+ overhang looks pretty small from pictures, seems like more of an aesthetic choice than performance/weight distribution tbh.

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Agreed, the outlier 3 is a proper hang over. For the plus, not really

Is there a particular reason you want overhanging rims? I feel like a lot of the stuff you’re saying is just restating what Brandon has said in his videos to sell his yoyos, and not considering that there’s still a lot of personal preference involved when choosing yoyos for competition.

Well at first, it was cause I liked light yoyos, but a lot of power, and the way to do that is to put as much rim weight in the edge of the yoyo, to increase its rotational enrcia and make it spin long and more powerful and stable, while having the yoyo be still light. At the time I didn’t like heavy yoyos,so I wanted a very powerful light throw and the best designs that delivered that were the ones with te moet rim weight on it. But now I don’t really mind heavy yoyos, and the over hanging outer rim yoyos just kinda stuck with me. It’s also worth mentioning the outlier plus spins so long I did a 2 minute and 36 second throw on this with some intense tricks, over the ehad tricks, neckstole, bangers, hooks, gorrila hook. Did lots of arm tricks and really pushed this thing to its limits

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I’m glad you found a yoyo you like!