…stronger than today’s yoyos?
I mean, I used to see heavily dinged Genesis, DV888, and pretty much any fully dinged metal yoyos in those years, yet they still play well.
Today I’m hard pressed to find newer players with their ‘latest’ yoyos that are not vibey, wobbly, or stripped, only after getting a couple of dings.
You’ll have to have a more scientific approach to come to a solid conclusion about this one.
I do however know that a few of the earlier metal YYF yoyos were made from 7075 rather than 6061, this might account for them being more durable.
Also, I believe all of the older ones were USA made.
Yeah I know, I’m just asking if others feel the same.
And the DV888 I had is definitely a made in China one.
‘Maybe’ it has something to do with newer yoyos that tend to be smoother when new compared to older yoyos which, again, ‘maybe’ had a little vibe from the get go. But since every single one does vibe a little, it was what people considered ‘smooth’.
So when a new very smooth yoyo suddenly got a little vibe, it seems worse than it actually is.
Older yoyos tended to be more organic in shape.
Also, there was probably less of an obsession with rim weight?
The newest metals I have are an HSPIN gorylla and a pyro light. Both seem good to me.
newer metals are being made in china by most companies would be my guess
I don’t think being made in China matters much though, because some of those ‘older yoyos’ I mentioned earlier are made in China.
But who knows.
I tare up throws and don’t have any issues. Seems about equal to me.
this is true. I actually own some Paul Han bomb squad throws that are from this time period. Very nice.
The older General Yo throws are in my mind the definition of precision, quality and durability. I don’t know if Ernie did his own machining, but if so, I applaud him for his work. For this reason, I hold the Hatrick, 5 star and Torrent in high regard. It could be in my head, so take this as just an opinion and not fact.
Not even sure if they were 7075, but they were my standard for smoothness.
I once owned a Prestige and that was superb. Impeccable quality and the smoothest yoyo I’d ever owned.
I have a horizon I bought three years ago as my second metal yoyo, it has dings on every inch of the rims and I have literally tripped and fallen on concrete with it in my hand, still as smooth as the day I got it.
I’d chalk it up to thinner walls. If you compare a DV888 to a Draupnir, the rim to body weight ratio is much different - the emphasis on rim weight means that the walls of the body are going to be thinner as designers try to push as much metal to the outside while keeping the overall weight (roughly) the same. This leads to a decrease in structural integrity. But a Draupnir plays vastly better than a DV888 so I won’t be trading mine anytime soon, I’ll just make it a point not to sit on it.
: :
My YYF Equilateral is still one of my favorite throws.
Are General Yos still smooth by today’s standard?
I believe so. One of my favorite companies. Definitely make good yoyos
I have a theory on this.
Newer yoyos are different in 2 ways.
- Finger-spin dimples
- Generally bigger, but usually lighter.
Most of the yoyos you mentioned (Genesis, etc…) were basically big, heavy H shaped yoyos that hit that 67g+ mark. yoyos today are just as big or bigger, weigh about 2 grams less or more and have shorter axles to accomodate the fingerspin hub.
Shorter axle = easier to strip
less material = more likely to take damage from hard hits
combine them and you can get a yoyo meant to take less punishment. Not saying they’re all this way, but if it seems to happen more often, I would say that this is probably the cause.
Oh and Bi-metals can be crazy fragile. Smack it off the ground and dislodge the ring and its going to play like hot garbage.