Is "bell" yo-yo shape a thing?

I think of the Aftershock, Too Hot, or Cascade when I think of a “Bell Shaped” yoyo… not the yoyos in this topic.


Be careful judging by the masses… if you want to call our purchase power masses, take a look around at our community and ask yourself if the user utilizes let alone understands the nuances of design and could pick out of a blind study pseudo test?

Or, if you hurry you can catch SF flexing in the mirror.

-ThrowTrue ࿃༾

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I heard @sfyoyos was ripped. Like roids ripped. :muscle:t3:


I feel like you perhaps took that joke the wrong way. I’m sorry.


It is if we say it is.

With the exception of the lower bout of the anterior wall.

The YYF Super Wide is (regardless of width) a good example of a true bell shape. (Although terminology wasn’t applied)

I think a lot of the posts and suggestions here are focused on the depth of the cup as well as the extension of the walls versus the degree and angle which make up the shape.

The most noticeable attributes to any “bell shape” by utility and purpose congruent with necessity of the tangible physics of a yo-yo are the interior wall POT at ¾ the total width, with a flare greater than 11° (Inside perimeters) of the rim protrusion extending outward if set down to create a visually noticeable flare.

Bells all bells share certain characteristics which are unarguably the classification of a bell including:
the crown, the shoulder, waist, sound bow, lip, mouth, and bead line. The crown being the top of the bell.

And don’t forget the sound! If your yo-yo fits into the classification, which is fast and loose sound is a tangible representation of the designed structures shape. Which is one of the reason monometal for myself personally is satisfying and inline with my thought of, the extension of ourselves is more core or unified and simple. I love how in math science and machining alike we replicate nature to achieve things not yet done for its application. Our application the yo-yo has so much more to be explored.

I would give the example of ”theseed” x3 R- Special from France.

ThrowTrue ࿃༾


I didn’t mean to be snide or barbarous, I’m sorry.

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I remember the YoyoSkeel Stalker 1 has a very stereotypical bell shape.


Seems so?



This one has all the identifiers. Even the sound rim at the end. Good find -

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Hmm. :bell:


Aftershock, Too Hot, Cascade

These check out, to me?

I think if you add the curved beanie “hat” on the end, if there was no bearing or response in the middle, then slapped a clapper in there, they’d make a good bell? That’s kinda the definition of bell shape, isn’t it?


p.s. sorry my art is so awesome


Yeah, but can you draw a flying saucer? Why couldn’t it be a flying saucer shape? :flying_saucer:


I think bells are more commonly seen? Feel free to check my data on that :wink:

Anyway, the ND Ultra is the most bell-y of the bell shapes to me personally. It is a recurring theme in modern yo-yo design.



Mine ND is just a smidge too thin width wise but the shape is there.

Gully and Kayak look like a flying saucer shape.