I’m pretty sure it’s stainless steel. I think I read that somewhere but can’t recall for certain.
Anyway, the Anglam CC performs as well as the Anglam that has titanium rings. There’s nothing that special about titanium as far as weight rings go, except its price! In fact the idea of weight rings is generally to add weight and titanium has like 60% the density of steel and 50% the density of brass, so it’s not a great choice for rim weighting unless the goal is just to drive up the price.
Aluminum weight rings would be silly, though they have been used before. Given the yoyo is made out of aluminum 6061 with a density of 2.61 g/cc and aluminum 7075 has a density of 2.7 g/cc, even using 7075 would make the weight rings have about the same density as the material of the yoyo. In other words they could get the same effect just by thickening the rim of the yoyo, with less risk of vibrations. So it’s possible they’re 7075 aluminum but I doubt it.
Still, while the Anglam and Anglam CC are fantastic yoyos it’s generally agreed at this point they’re outclassed by newer throws like the Draupnir or Isotope 2. Unfortunately Draupnir is really hard to find new right now.
Really any high end bimetal from a Japanese company is going to be amazing, and it will probably be your favorite yoyo, unless you have a collection of high end Japanese bimetals already
Well it’s hard to color stainless steel but possible. And other steel alloys can be made different colors based on tempering, as well as other methods. I’m not a metallurgist though.
I think it’s just some relatively cheap metal they won’t name because it’s cheap, not some super special magic metal. Hell it could be iron. Who knows.
I don’t think it really matters though. Is the Anglam really better than the Anglam CC because it uses titanium rings versus some unknown dense metal? Like I said before I’d think titanium would be a worse choice for weight rings.
What? Lower density than titanium? YYE calls it a “heavy metal.” A metal with density lower than titanium is not a heavy metal. You say other companies use the metal. All I know companies are using is magnesium, aluminum 6061, aluminum 7075, titanium, stainless steel, and brass, in that order of density.
So if it’s lower density than titanium it has to be aluminum 7075, right? Magnesium is expensive, plus it’s lower density than the body of the yoyo so that would be stupid. But aluminum is not a heavy metal. It’s the second lightest metal not counting the alkalis, which are way too reactive to be used as construction materials.
Very confusing. So is YYE wrong when they call it a heavy metal? Or are you wrong when you say the density is less than titanium? Or are yoyo companies using some intermediate density metal I’m not aware of?
Those seem to be the three possibilities. I’m guessing it’s a 7075 ring and YYE got it wrong or was told it was a heavy metal even though 7075 is only 4% denser than 6061.
And why can’t you just say, if you know? Is there a gag order? Do you work for sOMETHING? Did you sign a confidentiality agreement? Failing those options there’s no reason you can’t say.
heavy is a relative term. i do not work for something, nor did i sign an agreement, but i am doing this out of respect for my friend who is on the team.
It’s honestly just an ok yoyo, certainly not worth the money, and compared to the Laser, Draupnir, Sturm Panzer bi-metal offerings, etc. it’s old fashioned, simplistic, and boring. Anglam line in general has grown stale and i wouldn’t recommend one.
Oh and for the record NO ONE who works with metals would consider aluminum a heavy metal. It’s heavier than magnesium, but that’s it.
sOMETHING was just screwing around dishonestly marketing the product to drive up the price. C3 Berserker RX had 7075 rings and they just said so. Why not do the same?
I really think the Anglam CC is just 6061 with 7075 weight rings, kinda like the Berserker. I think if it was anything “secret” they would tell you and make it look cooler/ justify the over $200 price tag.
Just my opinion but that is what I was thinking since it came out.