Introduce Yourself!

Glad you joined. Here’s a vid by forum member @yoyodoc showing the easiest bind ever…


Bookmarking for my future self! :wink:


welcome to the forums!!

binding looks tough but it’s not nearly as hard as we make it out to be in our heads while learning it.
once you do though, it’s a whole new hobby. binding opens up the rest of the yoyo world to you.

good luck. keep at it. ask questions here, there is soooo much knowledge on these threads. don’t over think it, it’s never as hard as you think it will be.

enjoy the throw


The video was originally made for someone here that had a problem with front throws and an easy bind that is why there is a portion at the beginning about a basic throw.

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I accidentally posted my commented half done so i decided to delete the comment lol, but it never actually goes away on yye. I was just going to talk about how funny the first minutes are when you think about how all of his post begin with some sort of rambling. Was a good video that i sat through the entire 8 mins even though Ive been throwing for 15 years and know how to bind.



There are dozens of us that play mostly responsive, so there’s options that don’t strictly involve binding. You can learn fixed axle play (0A), looping (2A), or responsive freehand (responsive 5A) in addition to whatever 1A trick ladder you’re working down.


Welcome to the forums! There are lots of great videos for learning how to bind and once you get it it’ll become so natural that you’ll even want to bind on a responsive yoyo.


Oh that’s fantastic I’m honestly not going to lie though my intent is to kinda work my way through everything eventually!! :smiley: I’ll be entertained for-ever for-ever!!! :laughing:

@Hanker LOVE those two guys, god their vids are fantastic thank you for showing them anyway!!!


Hello all,

AkYo here, I already posted in General, yet I thought I should still introduce myself here since I am new to this forum. I am a late Gen X-er whom resides in South East Alaska in ancient village. In fact the name of my village is literally translated as the eternal village. I also grew up in the San Fransisco Bay Area. I started using yo-yoʼs in the early 80ʼs as from a gift from my father. He taught me how to snap the yo-yo to get some speed and walk the dog and a couple other cool tricks. Which eventually lead me to a lifetime of seeing someone doing something that impressed me with a yo yo which in turn would make me rack my nerves until I succeeded and then put it away until the next challenge came. I am out of practice but not out of love for this wonderful toy.

I tried new styles of yo yoʼs and as they are pretty amazing on the handling I must admit, they feel and look like car rims to me. I would love to get the mechanics of the new yo yoʼs with the aesthetics and feel of a classic duncan wooden yo yo.

Thank You


Welcome!! Super cool that your from Alaska,
Im 100% sure you’ll find more than what your looking for in a yoyo here!!


Thank You :crossed_fingers:


Hi everyone! I’m a complete yoyo beginner who fell in love with MFD begleri, and the community encouraged me to pick up a yoyo! My best trick so far is a bind, and I couldn’t have been more excited to have learned it, haha. Full disclosure, I am also helping MFD with some marketing :slight_smile: So if you see new posts on their socials feel free to say hi to me haha


Been lurking for a while, my turn I guess.

I got into Yoyo’s around 2009. Learned all my picture tricks and basics here on YoyoExpert.

At the time, my favorite yoyo was the YoYoJam Lynn Fury (Wish I could find it). Had some decent spare time on my hands after work, and passed that time with the yoyo.

Bought a Unresponsive as my next step (Dont remember my first… may have bought a few… ).

This is where the enthusiasm wore off. For the life of me, I could not learn to bind. Work changed, got engaged, got our first place and yoyos went into a box.

I am now Happily married with a 9 year old son and a 6 year old daughter.

Mid October, we were at Zion National Park. At one of the souvenir shops, the kids found some wood fixed axel yoyos. I absolutely bought them, and they started playing.

It was so nice seeing them play yoyo instead of being on electronics. My personal epiphany “String Time not Screen Time”.

My intreset reinvigorated, I said to my self; “Self, we got to keep this going!”

Looked around for “Beginner” yoyos, placed an order, and the adventure has began.

My plan is to start a thread and document “Our” journey.

I would like to say thank you to this community for the wonderful insights and help that I have already gleamed from reading.


Welcome to the forums @AKYo, @RaRa and @Pun1sh3R!

@Pun1sh3R someone is selling a Lyn Fury here:


Welcome! If you have any questions feel free to ask!


Wadduop my name is LC. I love YoYos.


Will do! Thanks for being so welcoming :slight_smile:


Welcome to the forums!

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Bring Up My Post… Ahahaha. It’s me!

Currently sponsored by Spinworthy Yoyos from right down here Australia!


Hi everybody! I’m Jazooka. Some of you know me through Reddit and Discord and I go to contests when I can, but I figured it was high time I made an account here. I love yoyoing, and I love talking about yoyoing (and the yoyos themselves) maybe even more.

I’m also one of the biggest Transformers fans you’ll ever meet, so if you like those as well, we must be soul siblings. I know there’s at least one of you.