Introduce Yourself!

Hello my name is zak hanson and i am a big fan of yo yo and my favorite yoyo k g2 marvel. I get found this site on blog.


Welcome Zak! hope you stick with yoyoing. :smiley:


Ah cool. Where abouts? Should do something after this pandemic settles down


Hey @tamariad9 Zak. Welcome to the forum :slight_smile:


Welcome to the forum. Everyone here is a beginner in some way. Either just starting out or just learning a very advanced trick.


Hello All,

Got back into yoyoing over the last year. Was never that great as a kid but decided to try again. Normally was always a responsive player and have been trying to get a bit into the unresponsive world. Still like falling back on the responsive though.

Hope to learn a bit more and luckily the videos help.


Welcome to the forum and back to yo-ing! Be warned - throwing is addictive (and so is acquiring yoyos). I’m glad you joined us!


Hey man welcome.

1a unresponsive is great but if you a Mee a responsive player 2A and 0A is still a big deal so check those out too!

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Hi, I’m Kyle, I’m 12 years old, and I yoyoed (1a) from January 2016 to December 2016 and quit, then i started back up again half way through March 2020. The only competition I’ve been to is 2016 nationals (I spectated I didn’t compete I was only 8 at the time), but am also competing in scales open vol 4. Right now i only three yoyos, a yyf metal arrow and a magic yoyo n01 (my current throw) and an sf plstc i got to get extra points in scales. I got a chance to try out a bi-metal shutter and I’m in love with it. I have great motor skills so i picked yoyoing back up pretty fast (especially during quarantine been yoyoing 3hrs every day). My other hobby is that I fly racing drones. I know all of the tricks on yoyoexpert (and yotricks) (except for seasick) and am currently trying to recreate Gentry’s 2019 worlds. the current trick I’m learning right now is Gentry’s wrist combo that he starts off with on his 2019 world’s freestyle.


Welcome to the forum! You sound pretty advanced. That’s awesome!


Wow okay welcome to the forum young master :slight_smile:
Sounds like you are doing fantastic already! Great job


Greetings All,

I’m from Dallas Texas and have been throwing Yo Yo’s since 1977. Still trying to get the hang of newer unresponsive gear but am slowly figuring it out. Also make wooden yo yo’s and spin tops for fun. look up you tube channel for “big blue workshop”
Looking forward to learning from this group.


Welcome to the forum. I’m from Pennsylvania and glad you’re here!


Welcome @bigblueworkshop sounds like you are more seasoned than a lot of us already on here :slight_smile:
I hope you enjoy your unresponsive journey


That was a cool yoyo build! How many have you made like that? Have you tried making a butterfly shape?


Thanks for the response. Yep. I made a few Butterfly style by using a larger router bit on one side of the disk and leaving the other side uncut. Picture isn’t great.


Howdy folks, I currently live in Tennessee and have in the last few months gotten back into throwing after a long break. My daughter got a Duncan Butterfly as a cheap stocking stuffer last Christmas, and after helping her get some basic tricks down, I fell back in love with it. I have gotten myself back to a decent level and am personally amazed how far the art has come since I last played around in the 90s. I got my first Imperial in 77 when i was 6 and actually did it pretty steady up until my 30’s, tossing to pass the time in high school, through the military and into college. Glad to find a p;ace to catch back up on the art, from lingo to technique so much has changed, and i look forward to learning more.


Welcome back and enjoy the little joys in life while we are all stuck at home :slight_smile:


A big welcome from Pennsylvania!


That’s a tough one Beeebon. He had a slightly turbulent start, but season 25 and 26 are brilliant. I have a soft spot for Battlefield and Ghostlight. Fenric and Remembrance are always excellent :slight_smile: How about you?

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