Introduce Yourself!

Hello! My name is Josiah Anderson and I live in South Carolina, and I will be Starting yo yo club their soon! :slight_smile:


Good luck with the club.

Good luck man! Stick with it, clubs are hard to start but if you stick with it people will come. =) Welcome!

Hello, my name is Devan I yoyoed on and off for 1 year then lost my yoyo and never had been interested until about a month ago I fount my long lost passion for yoyoing and bought the yoyojam dark magic II I am currently working on the trick mcbride roller coaster.

Welcome. You made a great choice with the DM2. It is a great learning yoyo.

Welcome! I saw your question on the chat about the roller coaster, but you had already left! Stick around for longer next time, sometimes we’re slow to respond. (Even when it says everyone is idle, we’re usually around, just not necessarily watching the channel actively)

How do you like the DM2? I have one, it’s a great throw.

Hello my name is Bryson i am looking for yoyo meet in or around Rockwall Texas.

Welcome! You should probably ask about clubs in your area over in this part of the forum: Yo-Yo Contests, Clubs, and Events - YoYoExpert Forums

hello, my name Gleinola Ferrari, i’m from Indomesia. I really like playing yo-yo. My favorite yoyo is yoyofactory Horizon, and my favorite yo-yo player is Paul Kerbel, Luis Enrique, Gentry Stein, Augie Fash, and Miguel Correa. I know about this site from my friend^^

Oh man, you already have a Horizon? I’ve heard good things, I don’t think they’ve been officially released yet.

Welcome to the forums!

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Ya, I have yyf horizon but Asia Pasific YoYo Contest edition

Welcome! Enjoy that Horizon.

Hi Everyone.

Im from Malaysia. Just call me Ceng (Cheng). I’m 31 old this year. Start into Yo-yoing when i was 15-16. My first yoyo was a yoyo from proyo, Turbo bumble bee, Proyo Profire GT. I’m back into yo-yoing since 2010 and i bought my first bind plastic yoyo YYF Northstar. recently i just bought a YYF Shutter Ann Connolly Signature. Still, i’m still a very noob yoyo player, like seriously :smiley: coz’ i never join any yoyo meet, or gathering to learn new tricks. I just learn from youtube, which is quite challenging :smiley: but then, i had a lot fun thou. Yo-yoing is a fun hobby, and never gets Old. Thats All. Peace. :wink:

Welcome! :smiley:

Welcome! Learning from youtube can be quite fun, but see if you can get out to a local yoyo meetup, because they’re so much fun! It’s awesome to meet other yoyoers and have them help you with tricks and whatnot.

Welcome. It is amazing how many “adults” are into yo-yoing.

I see you’re a member of one drop yoyos. Welcome. :smiley:

I’m new myself.

Hi my name is Louie 30years just got back into yoyos after 18years I just recently picked up the fast 201 to start me off with any tips on what a noob should and do

Welcome. I enjoy seeing adults yo-yoing. My only tip is to suggest you use the learn section I have found it very helpful.