Introduce Yourself!


My name is Evan and I have a passion for yo-yoing. I love my SPYY Solaris to death. I love learning new tricks and dedicate a lot of my time to yo-yoing. I also enjoy playing baseball. My team isnā€™t that good but has won the championships 3 years in a row! At the very beginning of yo-yoing I thought that the Dark Magic II was the best yoyo in the world. I got my facts wrong. Now Iā€™m getting yoyoā€™s that range from $75 - about $120. I have a YouTube Channel called AvantGardeYoyoing. Thank you for reading! :slight_smile:

Hi all ! :slight_smile: Im Nikola, from Bulgaria. Unfortunately yo-yo is not very popular in here... I have Yellow-Black Lyn Fury, and Im getting money to buy a Dark Magic probably xD I`m really happy to be a part of this community. Have a good time ^^

Welcome to the community! Iā€™ve already spoken with you on the IRC. :slight_smile:

Hey my name is Yoyoboss, and I just set up an account with yoyo expert. Iā€™ve been using this site now for a year but have never registered. I am here to trade around yoyos. I want to grow my collection. Currently, I have one yoyo and it is a Speed Dial. But, hey you got to start somewhere, right. To be honest, I just finished the intermediate section of yoyoing and I am starting to play unresponsive! Not only am I here to grow my inventory, Iā€™m also here to find a team. Anybody reading this that has an intermediate to advanced team please let me know. I would like to try out. Chat me on Thursdays and I will see you around the yoyo community:)

Hi Everyone
Im Rich, my nickname is gothicmercy (good name for a band:))
Ive been married almost 11 years,a 40 something and from the old school;) However I didnt start yoyoing really til a few months ago, I got hooked!!
I live in Alabama US, but im from England. Im actually trying to start a yoyo club here in 'bama. I have a page on facebook, look for spin time yoyo.
Its a difficult job because finding people and getting their interest, in this area, is hard.
I thank the yoyo community for all the help ive received with questions ive had and purchases ive made

my favourite throws are:
YYF Genesis
YYJ Phenom
YYF Superstar

Hi my name is Edgar but I liked to be called Chino. I currently have YYF Velocity and itā€™s an okay yoyo. Im getting a YYJ Dark Magic II very soon and Iā€™m excited as it will be my first metal/plastic yoyo. Iā€™m new to yoyoing and all these advance tricks but Iā€™m geting better. A I struggle a lot but I stil keep at it. I saw this website when I first started to yoyo about two months ago and saw some yoyo vids by Andre, they great, lol at and it took me here. Itā€™s such a great place and love it. I will continue my passion for yoyoing and will always yoyo from now on. Please, help me out when I need help guys. As I will do the same.

God bless and have a blessed day<3

  • Chino G

my name is paul
my username is ul1234
i am from india
i cant buy not even more than 1 yoyo
because rupees in very cheep
now to i have no yoyos
but the one thing is i like yoyos
no one has even 1 original yoyos
but duplicate which cost 50rupees=1dollar
this is my adress :D-1 kumaran construction,2avenue,aneeze nagar,ramapuram,chennai=89,tamilnadu,india
if u think that to give me some yoyo ,if it cheep also you can git it to me plese
father name A.ROBINSON

umm, Hi. I like to yoyo.

My favorite yoyo is the YYF Northstar. I srtarted yoyoing about a year ago and now I can do four Master tricks as well as alot of others. My favorite yoyoer is Jensen Kimmitt. I might be going to the World Yoyo Contest this year(2012) and even though Jensen's retired from contests I hope he's still there.

Hi, I like to yoyo too. ;D

I like the Northstar too. Itā€™s my main 5a throw as of now. I might go to WYYC as well. Hope to see you there! Jensen will be thereā€¦

Iā€™m Gary from Newark OH. I recently listened to a podcast on How Stuff Works about yoyoā€™s and it peaked my interest. I hadnā€™t touched a yoyo for 45+ years. Wow, how they have changed. I am amazed at what many of you can do.

So, my skill level is pretty bad, but I am dealing with the fun and fustration of my new yoyo.

Thanks to yoyoexpert for all of the great videos, and to those who have responded to my beginner questions.


Hi, Florian, 42, from Northern Germany. Picked up my first yo at the age of 16 (DUNCAN fixed axle) but didnā€™t learn any tricks. Started again at the end of 2008 but put it down after a few months, due to additional training next to my fulltime job. Picked it up again in the spring of 2011 and havenā€™t put my yoyos down again since then. I am making slow but steady progress and am very happy with itā€¦ Happy to be hereā€¦ :slight_smile:

Hi, my nameā€™s Ka. I started yoyoā€™ing around the age of 8, with a Yomega Power Brain, pretty much only throwing it down and catching it back up. Kind of forgot about yo-yos, only recently got back into it when one of my friends brought a yo-yo to school, and showed me all the kinds of tricks you can do with a yo-yo. I was fascinated, and got back into it. Now starting to learn Advanced 1A and Intermediate 5A with slow progress, but Iā€™m working at it. Will probably never put my yo-yo down at this point.

Welcome to YoYoExpert, and welcome back to the awesome sport of yoyoing!

Hi!! My name is Kyle. I do offstring/4a. It is a blast!!! My fav. yoyo is Go Big.

Hi I am max. I love to yoyo, I spend as much time as possible yoyoing during free time. My fav. Hobbies are snakes, cuponk, tv, sleep, and of course yoyo. My fav. Sport is soccer. :smiley:

Hi. My nameā€™s Jason. I started yoyoing a few months ago after one of my good friends brought a Yomega Fireball to school. From there, we progressed, getting better yoyos, and learning better tricks. One day I hope to be good enough to start competing in competitions.

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Iā€™m Maxx, turning forty soon and just found how fun yo-yoing is. The first yoyo I got (recently) was a metal drifter. The metal drifter is great but I have learns recently it would be less painful to learn on a mosquito. Hope you will keep your fingers crossed that I donā€™t get any new lumps on my head.

Welcome, and you could always sellotape a sponge to your head, be cheaper than a new throw haha

Hey! I am Alice and I am 14 years old and started about a month ago. I just got my new yoyo in the mail a week ago and I love it!