Hi. Empty nester who just picked up the yoyo a few months ago and have watched some Youtube Mark Hayward. Throwing an inexpensive Duncan.
Need a recommendation on a better yoyo please. And I have lots of questions, because Ive kinda plateaued with my current yoyo? Or I’m missing some basics. Anyway, any help is appreciated, low to post questions or start live conversations. Thanks for reading:)
What’s your budget? I will recommend an iYoyo Shooting Star because it comes responsive for all of the basics but includes an unresponsive bearing which really unlocks that yo-yo’s potential. But it also depends on if you want to go that route or learn something else like fixed axle tricks
I’m a yoyo player who’s tried lots of skill toys, I want to be a professional. I’m currently in my third year of yoyoing and I’m learning horizontals. Learned way faster once I got Skill Addicts. I can type the alphabet in 2.2 seconds.
Also, I’m new here, do you have to scroll to the bottom of a topic to make a comment? Is there a way to comment from the top of the page?
Thanks:) I dont even know what that means! haha I will have to do some research. This is why I joined:))
Firstly, welcome dude! You came to the right place!
Secondly, don’t discount that inexpensive Duncan. I could (but would never want to) throw only a 3 dollar butterfly for the rest of my life and find new ways to entertain myself with it daily. I highly recommend looking into fixed axle/modern responsive/0a. There’s some really cool stuff in that rabbit hole.
But, assuming you’re looking to get into 1a, as that seems to be the tunnel most people come through, there are lots of great “beginner” yoyos from lots companies. The one I tried and really liked is the First Base from Recess. Others that I haven’t tried, but have to assume are good, are the Shooting Star from iYoyo, AOE from Yoyo Friends, Magic Yoyo has TONS of yoyos in that vein.
For your other questions, you can use the search function to see if anyone has asked it before, or don’t be afraid to make a post asking
Glad you’re here, Kirk! Holler at your boy if there’s anything I can help with.
Hi, that so nice. Thank you! I am exploring this fun hobby as time permits, and I will surely be in touch with questions and comments. I am grateful you reached out!
Hi everyone!
I’m new to the forum and super excited to be here! I recently got back into yoyoing after a longggggg*break, and it’s been such a refreshing experience. With so much time spent on electronics these days, holding a physical object with a string feels grounding and real. It’s been a great way to support my mental health and take my mind off things.
I’m also really loving the yoyo community everyone is so supportive and encouraging. It’s amazing to see people looking out for each other.
Right now, I’m throwing the El Mijo polycarbonate w/fixed bearing and working on mastering the basics again. I started with unresponsive play but realized my core foundation wasn’t as strong as I thought, so I’m going back to responsive to rebuild my skills. Over the fence has been tricky for me to get consistent with, but I’m having fun practicing—even if I almost hit myself in the face sometimes!
My favorite yoyo is the ZGRT Janus, and I’m a big fan of slimline designs. Speaking of which, my favorite brand is ZGRT!
Looking forward to connecting with all of you and learning more about this awesome hobby!
- 0y_y0
I’m Steffy/Stuffy. I’m 40/yo f from New Hampshire. In the second half of the 90s I found my first and longest lasting hyper focus. Since, life happened and I’ve just recently picked up again. Things are definitely different, but I am definitely digging the possibilities at hand, compared to what used to be. I’m a bit ridiculous with collecting, but most of what I have is old-school stuff. Now I’m refocused on mostly metal. I’m waiting on a Shutter Mini, and a MYY V12. I have over 100 others, most from when I was younger (I was an undiagnosed autistic kid, but that all makes sense now🤣) and about 8 new metal.
I definitely am trying to focus on skill over collecting for the sake of collecting, now that I’m- well, old. Been lurking for a while here, and gotta say it’s been a huge help, so figured it’s about time I said what’s up.
Thx and look forward to learning more from the community.
If it makes you feel better, Im 40 f and just picking up again after like 25 years. Nice to see another girl in here
Just saw someone call NH the American Shire and I love it lol, welcome!!
Also, good luck on not collecting lmao, I wish you the best to resist the bug!! I have a guide to filter out the BST if you really wanna avoid it lol
That’s hilarious and I’m definitely gonna use that indefinitely now, lol.
I say that about collecting, but I haven’t skipped a week in getting a new one lately
I’d be down for any advice, guides, or anything else people want to throw at me.
come learn new tricks with us!
We have a lot in common. The best part is a Yoyo does not need to be plugged in to charge, ever!
I started focusing on the 1A Unresponsive early on. Then fell back to responsive. I am still there now. The term we use for a responsive, bearing, slimline = Modern Responsive.
Yoyo Acquisition Disorder is a thing.
Hi, my name is Pun1sh3R and I collect yoyos.
Mugen YoYo enters the chat