Introduce Yourself! 2024

Welcome to all the newest members. Please enjoy your stay.

There are no dumb questions. The only dumb question is the one you dont ask.


Hello everybody! My name is Nikki and I just joined the forum last month. I’ve been throwing for about 3 months now and I’ve already spent way too much money on throws on the BST and ebay lol.

It all started when my niece got a crappy dollar store yoyo at a trunk-or-treat this past Halloween and somehow it sent me and my older brother down the rabbit hole into the yoyo world. My brother used to have an 888 with hubstacks way back in high school, but at the time he didn’t know what to do with an unresponsive yoyo so he never really got into it. He’s always been more into Kendamas than anything else. And now here we are as obsessive hobbyists.

Definitely not thinking of ever trying to go pro or anything, it’s just super fun. Especially in this winter weather. I just landed the kwyjibo last night after practicing for an hour and it was hella satisfying.

I wish I had gotten into throwing when I was in the Navy. I wouldn’t have been so bored out at sea for 2 deployments.

I also just want to say it seems like there are a lot of cool people on this forum and I’m excited to be a part of this community!


Awesome story. It’s so similar to so many on here. It’s cool that you AND your brother have gotten into it together. Welcome to the community, we are truly glad you’re here. Thank you for your service.



I think you are so lucky to be getting back into it with your brother! I have yet to throw with another person ever since getting back into it and I’ve always held to the thought that it would be way easier to progress with someone to one up and bounce ideas off of and whatnot.

And you’re absolutely right about the community. (Mostly) Awesome people with a plethora of knowledge and generally just some of the kindest people I’ve met. Glad you’re here to be a part of it!


Thanks! It’s always fun to be able to share a passion with someone else. We don’t live together but when we have family dinners we show each other our progress and it’s definitely motivating. I hope you find someone to throw with!


Ain’t that the truth!

Welcome to the forum, Nikki! Definitely take some time to stop by YoYoExpert’s tutorials if you haven’t already. Don’t worry about going pro, I’m not! I started throwing again because I needed something to do with my hands and fidget toys weren’t cutting it.

Let us know if you have any questions.


Man!!! That sounds like addict talk!!! I been looking for my fix everywhere…but these fidget toys just don’t do anything for me anymore. I always heard to stay off the hard stuff, but I think I’m going yo-yos from now on. :rofl::rofl:


This is a trick, because yoyos ARE the hard stuff. But you have to stand with yoyos, so… Added benefit for computer bound nerds like me


you dont have to stand with a yoyo…


This is true, you don’t have to stand. But it’s way too much effort with my low skill and trick repertoire to make it worth not standing.

Tbf, I have done loops sitting down, but I’d rather not… It feels… wrong… Blasphemous even


The Navy is where I got into it. My mom sent a care package for our halfway night in the med (SSN 700, USS Dallas). She included a FAST 201.
Started playing with that when i was off watch and found it pretty fun. Transferred back to shore duty, found the YoYo community on the internet and that was that.

Welcome to the forums

Enjoy the throw


That’s dope! I was on DDG 84 USS Bulkeley. Honestly if I had gotten a yoyo on either deployment I wouldn’t have known what to do with it with practically no internet the whole time lol. We always ended up tracking subs.

I didn’t even make it to shore duty because they were trying to extend my contract. Did my 6 years and got tf out. Best decision I ever made


It’s a small world.

A good friend of mine, Joe Fillippi, was on that ship and gave me this.



My dad was in the Navy and I always knew about myself that life on a ship would be too claustrophobic for me. Much respect for mariners in general, but I always saw the Navy as being the most stern type of military service that a person could volunteer for. Thanks for your service as well. And thanks to all who have sacrificed a portion of their lives in service to the military, regardless of where you’re from or how voluntarily your service was.


I meant to add that I could imagine a yo-yo to be a lifesaver in a situation like that.


I served on an attack submarine. I thought claustrophobia would be an issue. It wasn’t. The real issue is boredom. lol. It’s the same routine every day. Get up, eat, 6 hours on watch, eat, 6 hours off watch for maintenance/training, sleep, repeat. Add in random wake ups for drills with no regard for your watch schedule and you are in a monotonous, sleep deprived state nearly all the time. No time to worry about how big the vessel is.

All in all, it was a great experience. It taught me a great deal and I wouldn’t be where I am today without it.

Enjoy the throw my friends


I can attest to the monotony of routine. For around 8 months of my tour I was in a situation where it was 12 on 12 off every day for the whole period. It felt like prison. I will admit though, and I am eternally grateful for this fact, I was never in a situation where I had to take another human’s life. For every horrible story I’ve heard about someone else’s experience there are 100k more. Anyways. YO-YOS!!! YEAH!!!


Thank you all who are/have served in Military or First Responder services!


Small world indeed! I was there 2015-2019 and I was also an FC, but I was an FCS tech. Never got to shoot a missile though.

My recruiter tried to get me to go nuke but I said hell nah. I couldn’t imagine being on a sub. Being underwater like that is a different level of fear for me.

And also…hooyah yoyos lol


Im Lee and my favorite yo-yo is the Noctu. I received a Noctu as a gift from my best friend back in 2012 as a parting gift— he went to college and I enlisted in the Marine Corps.

I was never very good at throwing… but good enough to impress a few friends I served with. My favorite trick is the hidemasa :hook:

Looking to contribute to this forum!