Introduce Yourself! 2023

Hey there! I’m Josiah (pankace). I’m 19 and I’m from Austin, TX. I have been “yoyoing” for about 5 or 6 years now. It’s been on and off, and I haven’t taken it seriously. I’m ready to do so now though, if only to make use of the collection of expensive yoyos I have that are all too good for my skill level. Seriously, the hardest trick I can do is like Branding or something lol. My favorite brands are One Drop and Yoyofriends, and my favorite yoyos are the Kuntosh 5000QV and the Koi.

I’m super interested in music and literature, and I enjoy playing games too, so if any you share those interests or just need someone to talk to, feel free to reach out! I’m on the r/throwers discord as well, and my username is pankace04 on there. I would love to make new friends in the community, especially while I’m in college. Don’t hesitate to dm!


Hey, relatively new to the community. Played a bit in the late 90s but only with beginner tricks. Recently got a few unresponsive yos and looking to have some fun when I’m not working. Nice to meet you all!


Yo, My name is Lincoln Im 21 years old from New Zealand and have been throwing around 10 - 11 years.
My favortie yoyos are my A-RT Quail, Freehand One and 2009 YYF 888.
YoYo forums on reddit and facebook are lacking a bit so i though i might start hanging out here a bit more :slight_smile:
Also the link to the introduce yourself thread in that message you get when you first sign up needs to be updated :wink:


Hi all! Long time lurker and first time poster. I’ve been yoyoing for about 10 years, and my favorite yoyos are the MonkeyFinger Caesar and CLYW Orca. I’m currently working on a small run of custom yoyos and hope to share the experience (and the yoyos) with members of this forum. Outside of yoyo, I enjoy taking care of a saltwater aquarium and listening to music.


Very nice very good throws too


played with responsive yoyos when i was little and a bit later when yoyo boom came to town. recently decided to get one yoyo to pick it up again, but somehow have 20+ new throws now. :upside_down_face:


Hello all!! intermediate newbee here from Michigan. I have a decent collection going and still trying to trade and buy new stuff all the time! Hmu lets cut it up


Hi new here but not to playing yoyo.
I am Geert, 40 years old from the Netherlands.
Back in 1999/2002 i use to play a couple hours a day.
In the following years i lost time to play as much like before.
Having 2 kids (5 & 1) makes me want to play again.
My daughter who is 5 asked me for a yoyo so we got the yyf One and the yyf loop 360.
I bought the replay pro for myself and i just orderd the clyw klondike 28stories.
It feel good to play and learn again.
The level a lot of people are playing in is crazy and makes me want to play and practice all day.
Any tips on youtube video’s to learn are welcome.


Welcome Geert! Let us know how you like that Klondike! I have a suspicion you’re about to be blown away!

I will plug the Trick-a-Week thread as a way to learn about new tricks. There is a backlog of tricks to check out and learn. Following the thread has been an amazing way for me to level up my level of play and it’s kind of nice to take away the decision and let the amazing mods pick a trick and then just learn whatever they choose.


Hi I’m Seth. I threw my brain and fireball in the late 90s. I didn’t have the internet and lost my yo-yos as a kid. Plus, it was more important that I became a professional skateboarder. Haha. That didn’t pan out.

At the beginning of the pandemic, pewdiepie put a video out where he played with his fireball. This sparked my interest once again. I ordered a fireball and quickly realized I would need something better if I wanted to progress passed the loops, around the worlds, and rock the babys. Thus began my thousands dollar journey, trying to find the perfect yoyo. I still haven’t found it but I know what I like. It’s usually something high walled and organic.

I have two beautiful children who get most of my time and a beautiful wife (not legally, although we have 2 children and have been together over a decade) who tolerates my yoyo habit. Even throws with me occasionally :smiley:They are the loves of my life and the very reason I still walk this wretched plane of existence. (Jk, mostly)

Anyways, I’ve met a lot of really cool people here and am overjoyed to be a part of this (mostly) nontoxic community. Feel free to say hi and talk throwing, woodworking, dadding, etc.


Hey everyone! Picking up this hobby again as an adult after taking a hiatus for 20 years. Began playing with Duncans purchased from big box stores in the early 90’s and then one day just never picked up a yoyo until I happened to get a yoyo for my oldest kid. I ended up playing with it more than she has, and have since picked up a speedaholic xx and YYF Arrow to see what modern yoyos bring. So far I seem to have a preference for responsive yoyos, so looking for good suggestions for a “nice” responsive to play around with. Thanks!


Man thats awesome! Would love to check out the design! If you have renders or anything let us know!

I received the yo-yos from the factory a couple weeks ago. Here are a few photos. Feel free to shoot me a PM if you’re interested! I’ll give you a bundle deal on one of each model if you’re interested.


MANNNN. The shape on those is AMAZING looking. Almost g2 inspired. If i didnt have a 12 day old new born Id be screaming take my money rn. How much you looking to get? Because i am VERY interested lmaoo


I appreciate the kind words! I actually don’t have any G2 yoyos in my collection, but I see the resemblance now that you mention it. I have a thread up in the BST with specs and pricing info: $205 shipped for the titanium and $105 shipped for the bimetal. If you want one of each I can do $265 shipped for a pair.

Man letbme see if i ca. Get rid of some stuff. Id probably just go for the bimetal. Havent had the pennies for titanium lmao. Im definitely going too try and figure sometjingnout it looks frickin amazing man. Its number 2 on the hunt list as of rn. Lmao. I dont even know what your calling it but that shame calls to me lmao

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Hello everyone,
I’m Hari from Indonesia. I started throwing in the early 2000s. It’s been about 9 years since I last actively played with a yo-yo. Back when the yoyonation forum still existed, I modified this Yoyojam Speedmaker.


Welcome aboard, Hari! Did you dye the plastic yourself? The colors look great, I really enjoy well modded yoyos.


Thank you.
Yes I did dye it myself, I used silicone to mask the pattern.


waddup, My names Jacob and i’ve been playing with throws for the last couple years. I had a freehand and flying squirrel when I was a kid but didn’t get into it seriously until covid after figuring out about unresponsive play. I like really laid back flow with whips and tech, don’t care too much for the high speed competition style. Started out collecting G2 and currently on a one drop binge, also really like the stuff coming from motion.

Just trying to learn new stuff and collect new stuff.

Nice to meet y’all