Introduce Yourself! 2023

You were correct, holy moly. I’ve seen a few B!ST yoyos before – out of context. I thought they were 3D renders. This is insane.

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Hello everyone, my name is Zach and I’m from Oklahoma. I’ve been tossing yo-yos off and on since the 2000’s. Recently got back into it heavily about 5 months ago. My current favorite throws are my CLYW Orca, Sasquatch, G2 AL7 Mongoose, Valhalla, and Arbiter. Really looking to build my collection up over the next few months!


Hey everyone! I’m Gian, I’m Italian but live in London, UK.
I started throwing in the late 90s and then stopped for a long time, got back to it in 2011 to learn some unresponsive playing then stopped again, and now I’m back, hoping to get better at it!
My throws are YYF Shutter (the only one I have here with me in the UK actually) YYF 888, YYF G5+, OD Down Beat, Came-Yo Mondial and an awful lot of other responsive old yo-yos.
Great to be here!


welcome to the latest posters… if you like yoyos and yoyo tricks, you are in good company.


Alberto I believe lives there and is Italian @Albertino :hugs:


Thanks Korina, yeah I saw some of his messages on the forum and already got in touch. It will be cool to meet other players!


We got already in touch, also when I hear Italian in London I get emotional :heart:


I believe that, glad you guys connected :hugs:


I’m not sure where in production this yo-yo is but it certainly looks cool…. The ghost yoyo


In 93 I was in the Army stationed in Germany. We did a month long exercise in Aviano Italy. They arranged for us to take a daytrip to Venice. In St Mark’s Plaza I walked passed a couple speaking English (which isn’t too surprising as Venice is a tourist attraction) but upon talking to them I found out they lived in my hometown. What a small world sometimes.


Looking at this I realized I never introduced myself either. I’m Steve. I live in Roanoke VA and got my first yo-yo in 1979 at the ripe old age of 8. It was a Duncan Glow Imperial which I threw very regularly up until I joined the Army at 22. Didn’t throw any at all during those years and picked back up again in maybe 2003 with a Fireball and tried a few others I can’t remember. 3 kids and hectic life caused it all to fall to the wayside until about 6-7 months ago. Now 52 and disabled by some mild brain damage that occurred from a cardiac arrest in recovery just 2 hours after having a stent put in my heart.(the fifth one :roll_eyes:) While no brain damage is good, at least I can still function, it’s just very difficult. Keeping my attention focused is like holding my muscles flexed as tight as they’ll get and holding it for as long as I can before having to relax. When relaxed I have only pieces of thoughts randomly skipping like an old record in my head. Also there have been motor control and speech issues as well. But looking at me from the outside I look just fine. I’m in pretty good shape physically and being that it’s been 7 years since this happened I’ve gotten much better at communicating. It’s literally though, taken me all this time to understand what changed in me, and how to verbalize it to others.

So bring yo-yo back into my life and it has helped in so many ways. I’m sure you can imagine that depression is obviously going to be regular, inactivity, learning new things, period, has become extremely difficult, separation during COVID, blah blah blah. Yo-yoing has helped in all these areas. It got me active again, gives me something enjoyable to focus on, relaxes me, has helped with motor control ( I usually shake quite regularly) this makes learning tricks way more difficult. This of course has helped with getting passed frustration. There are days I can’t catch a Trapeze to save my life, then the next day it’s no problem at all. But it’s fun and it’s deeply etched in my soul so it always a positive even when I’m having an off day.

Most of my collection (about 20 throws) has been collected to see what I like as yo-yos have advanced so far. So here’s where we enter THIS community. It has also been very helpful for me to connect with others and get encouragement and friendly banter, as well as excellent advice and information that makes purchases much more focused. You can imagine the situation I’m in doesn’t do much for finances so I’ve got to make sure not to make regrettable purchases. Thanks so much to all who put a lot of time in regularly here and contribute so much. :heart:

I lean very heavily to responsive play but I’ve been trying to keep some unresponsive play in there as well. I can’t seem to keep from wanting to tug that unresponsive yo-yo back every single time I strap one on. :rofl:.

I guess that’ll do it for me. Thanks for listening and someone let me know when they figure out how to do a Triple Lindy on a yo-yo. :rofl::rofl:


Imagine that living in London, I met one of my primary school schoolmates in the underground (I never seen her in my hometown after school time), another of my schoolmates from year 10 was basically my neighbour (never seen him again after finish school in Italy), and in central London in Oxford circus I met another still italian school mate that was working on a Zara shop!
The world is so small and is so nice when this happen, it makes you feel closer to home!


Welcome to the Forums. I’m happy for you that yoyos add a little something to your life! And welcome to everyone else who joined in here recently!


Hi, Steve and welcome to the forum!!

You mentioned the Army and I can see in your avatar that you have some accommodations. Thank you for your service!!

Glad to hear that yoyo is helping. Let us know how we can.



Thanks. I was in at probably the best time ever to be in the Army. It’s after the USSR fell and the Berlin Wall was destroyed and there was just little going on in the world. I feel very fortunate to never have been in a situation where I had to take human life. Many, many veterans carry untold burdens and unimaginable wounds in their soul from the things they’ve seen and done that they can never erase from their mind. Many people thank veterans for their service and it is appreciated. Unfortunately though, probably the better term would be “ thank you for you sacrifice “. Only you may get tears from that one.


As a Military Brat, Both my parents were career and served 30 years each.

I have found “Thank You” and a Hand Shake works the best.

You can never tell (As Mr. Steve mentioned) what the story is. Simple Gratitude goes a long way.

Side Note: Ever see the Old Timers with their wanky Military Hats? Most can barely walk now… But if you ever have a chance to sit down with one, and they are willing to talk, OH Boy their Stories are Amazing!

Mr. Steve = Thank You *hand shake

All others Currently Serving or Have Served (Country of Origin does not matter) = Thank You *hand shake.


I just realized that I’ve been half following your deep state mod thread. Very cool. I’m only on post #30 but I totally get where your coming from with not wanting to lube up the bearing. Deep State is so much fun. Have you tried Doc Pops Weekender? It too is very nice.


Unfortunately I have not. The price is a bit hard for me to swing. I did just order an Origen which another member said they felt played very similar to their Weekender. I may get one eventually, but as it stands, the wife might skin me for purchasing the Origen (along with a snack) Why is enough never enough???WHYYYYYY!!!


My collection at some point surpassed 50. I don’t know when and I’ve stopped counting. My wife still thinks it’s around 50. I don’t have a desire to correct her. She however has and will always have access to my collection and Is welcome to count them at any time. I don’t think she wants to know either lol.


My wife has no clue, and I dont think she wants one.

I think my kids know my collection better than I do.

A small package will come in the mail. I open it, play with it, then put it on the shelf. No one is the wiser.

Then… A kid will walk by the shelf, pull the new addition down. With their not so quiet voices. “THIS ONE IS COOL. WHEN DID YOU GET IT.”

Wife rolls her eyes.

It is kind of impressive though that they can so easily pick out something new/different at a glance.