Inside Loop help!

I have YYJ Unleashed Yo-yo’s, and I am having a lot of trouble looping. I would throw my yo-yo out, and the yo-yo is either straight up or tilting 1o’clock, but it seems to be straight up more often than at 1 o’clock. When it is at 1 o’clock, I can’t do more than 1 successful loop. After the first loop it would either go out of control or cause a 2 to 3 O’clock loop and then when it comes back it goes out of control, and this is just making me really frustrated!

I want to be able to learn 2A yo-yoing, but I can’t loop if my life depended on it. I’ve read many guides to looping, and I’ve tried to follow it, but I just can’t do it. Someone give me advice please!

it’s all about timing. just keep practicing, you’ll get it eventually.

yeah remember what andre said, don’t be frustrated if you can’t get it quickly it takes a long time to master. if you can get three consecutive loops, be happy you’re doing the trick.

I’ve also found that you want to keep the string taut during the regeneration of each loop. As the yo-yo is winding up, get the timing right and don’t let the string go slack as you flick your wrist. Continue to try for that “1 o’clock” angle so the yo-yo flips over easier with each loop. Practicing one hand at a time is best. It’s all about the timing and motion of the flick of the wrist; experiment and don’t get locked into a bad habit.

I agree with everyone that this will take a ton of practice to master. Good luck, have fun!

do a outside loop some and then i will become straght :wink: :wink: