Improving the educational system

So the educational system has remained the same for a very long time. I think there should be a signicant change soon enough, as schools are left behind : compared to other technologies and systems.

VR could help. Helping students learn their preferred way of studying early on in life us needed in my idea. The VR system should have different learning environments: experience, lectures, etc.
This would make it easier for the students to learn and they would not have to struggle more with understanding lessons.

Making sure the students are mentally stable, happy, and not stressed. This could drastically increase the students grades.

-what more can we do to improve the educational system?


IMO school really needs to get its stuff together regarding reading. the systematic & mandatory approach to force kids to read is stressful & ineffective, & surprise surprise, it makes kids hate reading. there are a plethora of reasons online as to why the system is absurdly flawed, I’ll mention more down the line.


Teachers are underpaid and too many parents aren’t involved enough. Though with an ever-growing number of single parent households, I don’t see that improving anytime soon.


As a future HPE teacher, I know there is a push (at least in my field) to go to a more skills-based curriculum, where students may learn a skill (I.E. decision making) and incorporate that skill in a variety of different subjects (drugs/alcohol, sex, nutrition/diet etc.). The only issue is the grading system would change. This is currently happening at some elementary schools, but making the push for secondary schools is a lot tougher, since colleges look for GPA and changing the whole system for a district might hurt the chances of their students getting into colleges.

in addition to the underpaid teachers, they need to actually be involved. Pretty much all of my recent teachers have put NO effort into developing me & my intellect or even controlling the class, they’re just chasing the dollar without a second thought.

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I’m not sure how we should go about improving the system but making less than 80% of what you learn in grade school and 60% of what you learn in college not be completely worthless once you actually start your career would be nice.

Even for your first job, how much you actually learn in college doesn’t matter that much for many career paths. Experience and passion is much more valuable to employers and people in general than your GPA. Someone who graduates with a 2.5 but has experience and determination will go much farther even in their early careers than someone who has a 4.0 but no real life experience behind them.


Depends on the value you gain from those classes; there are few university-level classes that directly translate to real-world applications. Core math is one I see pop up fairly often as ‘pointless’ and ‘useless’. And to a degree that may be true, but the fact is that when you learn a new concept, in any subject, neurons in your brain are firing and connecting with each other, supposedly increasing overall cognitive function in some small part. Math is perfect for this because it’s not nuanced (math nerds don’t @ me), you input a value and receive an output.

The bigger problem is that too many kids have been tricked into thinking they NEED to go to college. Want to know a class you can take that will translate 1-1 in the real world? Welding. Trade schools are grossly under-represented today and quite frankly can lead to very lucrative jobs if you put in enough hard work (aaand that’s where a lot of today’s youth stops paying attention). Everyone wants to get some bogus degree in Psychology of Teenage Geodes and expect to pull 6 figures straight out of college. Instead, they spend the new few decades paying off tens of thousands (if not more) in student loans by working in a coffee shop.

Unless it’s something like STEM, where there will always be a demand for technical intelligence, you likely don’t need a degree unless you plan on pursuing the subject in grad school. Hell, I’ve heard plenty of success stories of people teaching themselves to code simply through YouTube and GitHub tutorials and landing a job that way.

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I think the worst part about school is the Homework. I mean we spend 8 hours in school doing intense work, and then they want us to do more intense work at home. I just think homework is pointless.


Honestly I disagree. While it would be nice not to have to force kids to read, if it is optional they just wont do it. Reading a lot as a child not only teaches you reading material, it also has a positive impact on vocabulary, grammar, spelling (if you learn a word through reading, you will remember how to spell it), and reading comprehension. The best way to learn anything is through experience. Literacy, is taught by reading and writing. I can’t imagine what kind of shortcuts could exist.

In my opinion, even people who lean more towards trade jobs should at least have general knowledge about the general subjects (science, english, history, math, etc). While it may not be necessary for a carpenter to be able to quote Descartes or understand the genetics of cross pollination, it would be a disservice to them in modern society to be completely ignorant of anything that does not involve their job.

The best way to improve the education system is to supplement subject matter with classes that focus on developing practical life skills (like managing money and careers, learning how to apply for jobs, and other such obstacles that you will face as an adult). Kid’s are arguably graduating high school these days being much smarter than in decades past, but on the other hand they are less capable of navigating the increasing complexity of living in the adult world. Instilling these lessons at a younger age could allow for true academic environments at the higher level of education (or for more practical skill training in less academically oriented jobs), and people will be able to learn in ways that will help them rather than just learning for the sake of passing a class or receiving a certification.


In my opinion,I like learning through videos and online courses.In college they teach you the things,but most of the things they teach are not repeated and we tend to forget what they taught, but through videos we can go back and play the video whenever we want.

Yes I agree with @Evan_the_yoyo_boy. In my engineering college they used to give long assignments which were never ending.

If you think that ends when you finish school you’re sadly mistaken.