I'm new at this and can't even gravity pull. Please help!!!

Good point there Pheenix.

AH! welcome!

yea…i’d either skip the beginner section or put the new breed away until you get to less responsive play in the videos.

just wait until you get to the advanced and expert sections. you’ll melt people’s faces off!!

Awesome! I can’t wait. I think I’m only bringing my frantic and my sili’ed DM, but you’re welcome to try them.

Sigh… Not what I mean. But who cares.

Well I decided to get myself a Bully from big brother and a speed maker. I can bind very well and find such tricks as braintwister and split the atom quite simple now. I enjoy collecting things (i actually collect Gibson Les Pauls and rare U.S. Dean guitars) and frequently change what I’m using in my hobbies to give myself variation. I’m a little taken back by people saying that I shouldn’t want more than one yo-yo to play with different styles and tricks (my fingers are to big to grind the new breed, hence, the bully) and have the disposable cash and years behind my belt to make my own choice on such matters. All I asked for was someadvice on which yo-yo’s are considered good for doing different tricks than I’m capable of performing with the new breed, Didn’t realise that was so taboo! sorry guy’s and girls. ???

no its not a taboo or anything infact im not sure why this turned into such a debate hmm well welcome to the forums heck of a first thread hu!!! lol :smiley:

It’s not so much taboo as it is this:

Everyday we try to help no yoers decide on a good yo-yo for them when what they are really asking is “what yo-yo will make me better” to which the answer is of course: “None.” What most of us were trying to say I think was that you shouldn’t buy a new yo-yo for any other reason than you want one.

If you want a bunch of yo-yos, who the heck am I to say otherwise? I think we just would hate to see you waste your money on a yo-yo because you think it will make miracles for you. In this case (you just want more) then to heck will all the nay-sayers and get 'em.

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That was a cool reply! I never thought my first post would seem so dramatic lol! But , at the end of the day, I’m really hooked. I got a few tricks in my bag after 24 hours of play with my new breed (which I must say is awesome and won’t be going to any shelf anytime soon) and feel so impressed with myself I feel like getting more and trying different stuff. If anyone can tell me which tricks they think I should practice to get my skills up and generally a gfew tips on how to keep my new babies in good working order I’d be very thankfull. Just know, I wasn’t trying to be funny or nasty with anyone, or to belittle anybody! I am thankfull that you guy’s all took the time to read my post and at the very least offer your opinions which I do honestly consider valuable. Like I said I am new at this so respect the advice of you guy’s that have been kind enough to help in whichever you thought best! ;D

Slightly ignoring the debating over what you should get, (if you got the money, why not?) My favorite style is 1A, I’ve tried doing counterweights, but that felt awkward. And offstring, it’s surprisingly difficult. Not really that interested in looping, I can barely do it with one hand. So it’s traditional 1A for me!

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Tricks that helped me progress exponentially:

Split the Atom (really, really important.  It shows you the way your yo-yo reacts to a bunch of different things):

Drop in the Bucket (after practice, this really helps you manipulate the string with your non-throw-hand):

The Matrix (helps with smooth play):

Rewind (THIS trick helps SO much when you start learning the 1 and 1/2 mount and tricks that use it.    This trick will help get you VERY consistent with landing on the string):

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Thats cool , Thanks for the links especially. Already got split the atom and drop in the bucket (although I still ocassionally lose that one and end up with a knot but, only learned it about six hours ago) I haven’t seen the others yet but will be trying them tomorrow. Thank you again for the help, Still need it at the moment but, I’m trying hard and wearing out plenty of string! 8)

well it is not taboo.
oddly enough everyone was just trying to be helpful in their own way.
you made two good choices and i hope you enjoy them. ;D
and welcome to yoyoing and the forum.

Yeah I did realise that they were just expressing there opinions to try and help, and I do thank them. I wasn’t trying to be nasty (I get ignorant when in a bad mood which people can’t see on the internet thankfully ;D) I just wanted some help because I decided to go all out with my new hobby and felt like I was taking a little flak for it. It was honestly just a statement of what I felt. I truly appologise if anyone was offended as it was not my intention to do so! (once again, If I offended you I am sorry, it wasn’t meant like that). Thank you for the welcome and for all your opininons.

No, you are fine. I didn’t know you had the intention to collect things! Hello fellow collector! I have a limited collection though but none the less a collector inside.