I'm in a tough spot. Please, help me.

Hey everyone…

Today is Christmas day. Sorry for the late Merry Christmas message, but…

As you have probably figured out, I obviously wanted a yoyo for Christmas. My first yoyo. The beginning of a start.

Unfortunately, I didn’t get it. Yeah, I know.
And I knew I wouldn’t get it, I had talked with my parents. We all agreed that 45€ (around 53 bucks) was too much money to spend on something that instead of making me communicate and be with my friends and other people, it would the third hobby I have that would keep me inside my house, alone, isolated from everyone.

I knew it was bad.
But I NEED your help.

What do I do?

It’s not my fault I wanna yoyo, and I am sure that’s something I would love doing, but I DO understand that it is not an advantage when it comes to meeting people. In Portugal there are almost no yoyoers.

Also all it does is develop my coordination.

But I love it!

What do I do?

My birthday is coming soon, I don’t know what to do.



Wow, that is tough. If your parents wont buy you anything yoyo related, maybe ask for money for christmas and your birthday, and buy the yoyo then? I’m not sure. Sorry about that man. My parents were the same way, until I got really good and showed them what I could do.

The worst thing is that It’s not my fault I wanna spend so much money and so much time at home.

It’s my nature, unfortunately! ://
Thanks for your answer.



The great thing about yoyoing is being able to take it out of the house! It often proves to be a great conversation starter, and a bit of a social commodity. You also never know when you’ll run into another thrower in the area, and make a new friend ^^

If you are at all interested in it, I would find a way to give it a try.

Maybe get some of your friends to try it with you so that then you can go around different places all yoyoing together.

Yoyoing might be fun, but I’m going to be the odd guy and say that being social beats yoyoing. No reason to be mad at your parents, they do actually want grandchildren some day, and they won’t get that if you’re staying at home all the time. If you got two hobbies keeping you in the house, I don’t think yoyoing is the best hobby to go with. Of course it’s not the worst, but the amount of yoyoers all over the World is so small that yoyoing is rarely social. Of course if you have a local club that’s something different, but then you’d need a local club, and a local club needs lots of yoyoers.

I’d go for teamsports and/or a job. Add girlfriend if wanted.

As with everything in life, there are tradeoffs. If you spend your life inside on hobbies, then you just won’t have time for being social. If you spend your life being social, then you dont have time for hobbies (hobbies also calm you down in stressfull times). So my point is, that you can’t spend your life JUST yoyoing or JUST hanging out with friends. Do each in moderation and maybe once your parents see that you have some nice friends or somewhat of a social life then they will let you get into another hobby. These are just my opinions and are in no way intended to be a guideline for your life. Just live in a way that will make you happy when you look back in 50 years.


I’ll start yoyoing, but never as a very important thing to do.

I’l keep it moderated, I DO Love being social and hanging out :D. I have a social life, not a very good one - not because of hobbies, but geographical issues. I only have 1 class mate who lives in my town and another a bit close to here, so there aren’t many people out there with who I can start a better social life.

Thank you ALL for answering, and JonasK’s answer was very well thought - I’ll reduce the “hobbying” time, every hobby I have, I only enjoy doing it for some time, then I get bored :smiley:

Kinda 50-50 between all stuff.

I’m glad you guys had the time and love to answer me, thank you for everything(no, I ain’t gay hahaah :D)

