My son is watching family feud and an IHOP commercial came on. Said a fella was doing man on the flying trapeze for a second. Anyone else see this?
Does anyone recognize what he is throwing?
I love how when they cut to the yoyo guy he is a “smooooooth operator”
The finish of this yoyo reminds me of a duncan metal drifter but it looks like it has a flat cup and a metal drifter does not have a flat cup or it might be a model from magic yoyos
With a long-suffering girlfriend.
This is great. I posted a thread for random tidbits like this
My first thought was an Edgeless with the clear body and purple cups
I was wondering about the choice of trick, but I guess it’s limited with him sitting down. Gyroscopic Flop would have been “the” choice! Still pretty cool.
Exactly what I was thinking!!
Hahahah awesome we need more commercials with yoyos hope this will get more pple involve in yoyo