This is something that’s been bugging me for a while. Hear me out.
What if you ever want to do tricks that demand more performance from a yoyo? Like horizontal? Or around the body? I feel like yoyos like the canvas might be fun for more more basic stuff that people call “flow”, but can’t really take the heat of more advanced stuff (which is super fulfilling to master).
So I would go with something higher performance like an ND, or maybe a Sengoku Nobubaga. They can do the stressful tricks (unlike yoyos like the canvas, or pretty much any anti yo), and can do flow stuff as well. If you really want that.
I feel like so many people are limiting themselves because they only use lower performance organic yoyos, because they say they “like the vibe they have”. Most of these people haven’t even tried the flashier tricks, and can’t land a basic horizontal combo.
Like when someone on the BST tells me they’re looking for “spyy, ilyy, and older clyw” it bothers me because I can almost guarantee that this person is an adult collector who really doesn’t care that much about improving their limited skills and actually getting better at yoyoing. They just want these older organic yoyos because they’re valuable.
Get yourself a $45 modern high performance yoyo. Maybe one from gasp YOYOFACTORY, and get to work on moving past basic tricks guys. Stop obsessing over some low performance organic from 2008 because it’s collectible and you’ve convinced yourself you “like that old school organic feel”.
I’d have to go with something good but also just really fun. Picking from yo-yos that I own, I’d probably go with the Küntosh 5kQV. That yo-yo is like easy mode for me and I can just play really casual with it, but it’s also a really good yo-yo.
If it was the older blasted version it’d make it even easier, but it’s the newer pyramatte version. And since I love grinds (and finger spins) so much… maybe the Blockade, Death Adder, or Edge(OG or 1.5) instead… Maybe even the Wangle.
Wish I had a Bi Metal Shutter, that might be the perfect single yo-yo for me. I’m waiting till I can get a color I like though.
Its hella stable, it’s got mad power, it owns tricks and combos like a bimetal would. Check out some reviews. Someone can say its heavy and another person can say its floaty. I hate trying to describe yoyos. Stable and powerful is like. Every yoyo 2sick makes so again idk. It’s worth a try
It’s not exceptional that’s for sure. They’re usually better on high walled yo-yos and the Shutter really only has enough of a wall to fit the bearing and response.
That’s all well and good, but people have preferences. Not everyone’s goals are the same as yours. If someone likes collecting then they like collecting.
I personally like higher performance yoyos, but if someone else doesn’t, I’m not gonna force them to use something they don’t want to use.
There’s plenty of ways to enjoy this toy other than pushing your skills to the maximum. I love the feeling that I get when I finally track down the next hot, rare collector’s piece. I get a thrill when I land a Hidemasa Hook on the first try instead of the tenth. It makes me feel great composing the perfect still life picture of one of the yoyos that I’m proud to own. I really like just “unwinding” at the end of a long day throwing my favorite low effort tricks and just taking the time out to play.
Sure, you can push a $45 Yoyofactory Shutter a lot harder than you can a $180 Diptych. That’s not the point. I collect yoyos because I appreciate that each one was designed to perform a certain way. I want to try out as many of those people’s unique visions as I can. I have just as many high performance yoyos as I do trendy collectible ones. I just don’t understand why you have such beef with something so harmless and trivial as people enjoying a toy in a way that you deem improper.
Curious @nightshadow, can you two handed loop? I mean vertical punches and the like. The tough stuff. If you can, then great. If not… what’s the difference between you not being able to do that and me not being able to do horizontal?
Plus let’s not forget the people that came up with plenty of the flashy tricks we do, obviously sans horizontal play, were using duncan freehand and the like to do it. Just saying
The difference is as follows: they are completely separate disciplines, making that argument invalid. That’s like saying “if you play the violin but not the trombone, can you really call yourself a musician?”
But saying you only do basic flow yoyo tricks is like saying “I play the violin, but only slow songs without any difficulty. I have no interest in anything else”. Ok yeah you have the freedom to do that, but it’s kind of silly. What if one were to actually put in some real practice?
Also just continuing that analogy, people spending that much money on yoyos to do basic “flow” tricks is like me getting a $100,000 instrument to play twinkle twinkle little star.
No way man. I get what your saying, but not all of us want to master the crazy tech heavy stuff. A lot of us are old guys now, not flexible or rambunctious like our younger brethren. That “vibe they have” harkens back to a different era, the nostagia feels better than a sharp compition orented throw. Have a draupnir vs most Organics on a table, tell me to pick one, Ill take the soft, fun, kushy O every. Single. Time.
I dont care about how powerful they can be. Heck ive sold off yoyos that were TOO stable. These, i feel, let you slop through poor technique. Go faster and no one can see how poor you are actually doing it. These oldschool bummers you see FORCE us to pay attention and do it right. That heavy power of the highest performing throws makes it too easy. I don’t care about any of that and do not think its everything everyone should want. For you to be looking down on us from your competitive view point isnt fair or flattering. You need to check yourself and step off this high horse of yours.
I kind of get what you’re saying, but here is how it’s coming across. It sounds like you are saying if you dont do crazy tricks that require crazy amounts of spin time or horizontal play, you are just doing basic stuff and you’re not very good. Go back and watch Tyler or danny severance jam on og freehand and tell me they are not pushing boundaries or doing flashy tricks