I would pick the yacare, pullstarts would be very fun.
07 888
CLYW Chief
The replay pro. (Not metal but…)
wangle, butter (delrin with ss rims), Memento, SF PLSTC (ino that there is a DLRN, but i like the PLSTC)
There is no such thing.
Markmont Classic
Youd want to find a cabal then if you can. A bit heftier, but basically the same shape.
Well there’s my answer.
Idk I own one metal yo-yo so I guess atlas lol
Unspoken Artemis would really be something…
Easily one of the best playing/least mentioned yoyos in recent history.
OD rebirth with RSM side effects
I’d have a delrin Throwdown Luchador that didn’t suck.
The first fun protos were very nice and didn’t crack. They were really light but still playable I think like 55g or something like that.
Also would love a delrin kickside. I’ve been thinking about making one for a long time. I have cad drawn up for it but just haven’t gotten around to making one yet.
Pull the trigger, I’ll take one off you!
Keep in mind that it would not play the same. The weight and most likely the weight distribution would be different. I base this on the YYJ Hitman vs Lyn Fury experience. Same shape and dimensions but played entirely different.
I want a pair of delrin raiders I know that isn’t metal but hey!
loonie for sure… it be like 10g