If you could only have one yoyo to play for the rest of your life it would be...

my dream is to get a pyro light, but that wont be for a while lol so i guess i really dig my speedmaker with merc shims, a 10ball and slick 6 string

Superstar with a lot of spare packs of K-Pads and polyester strings.

umm either
M1(I have!)
G5(Have to save if I wanted to buy)
A yoyo like the M1, but a little bigger either kk or 10ball bearing, with white chaos string , o-ring or silicone, 63.5 grams, beadblasted, all metal, 4.5mm gap(My dream yoyo

For me, a brand new DNA.

i would go with the m1 :slight_smile:


What more could you want?

My G5 with 100% polyester string.

my X-convict with ceramic Koncave bearing!!!

superstar!!! :smiley:

dark magic with ceramic konkave bearing and 50 50 cotton poly string

doesnā€™t matter to me at all. :wink:

Happy Throwing! =]



That sounds funny!


Now it would have to beā€¦ Cream, Milk, or Milk 2%. I will change that in a day.

Duncan Imperial ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

2% Milk Black Edition.

a butterfly.
no, scratch that.
an imperial.

I donā€™t like Blackā€¦

I mean Black Milk? Ewww who would drink that?

yoyojam hitman

I think i already have a post somewhere in this topic.


You do, but it was different: