If you could meet any yoyo player...

i am going to go way back and say Tom Smothers

ya. that’s right. yoyoman himself

John higby

Id like too meat Zach Gormly aswell

Probably Zach Gormley. His style amazes me, and he seems like a really nice guy.

Still Paul Dang. His signature yoyo is brilliant. And he seems great.

At pnwr 2013 his mom mistook me for him xD it was funny

Tony north , he is so chill and his style is sick! I’m gonna have him teach me turbo encabulator tomorrow at the meet! Oh don’t forget spencer walker he’s really nice!!

Tomas bubak

I 100% second that!

Charles Haycock.

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Seems great? I am great.


Probably Tom Kuhn.

Charles because i love his innovation, zach because he seems awesome and paul dang because i just love his tricks

I believe you. I haven’t met you so I couldn’t say for sure. Love your style btw.

dood he’s gone to MER for the last two years…

Tom Smothers, the yo-yo man. :wink:

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Grant Johnson, he got me into yoyoing on suite life on deck.

Charles Haycock he is so innovative and super nice.