he is just plain awesome! the Dang man is just a really chill dude!
I’d actually rather meet multiple forum members before a player, if I had that kind of choosing. Sure it’d be totally sweet to meet a pro, but I’d rather meet a lot of forum members first ;D
All the nice ones! And the means ones! And the ones in between! But not those that are between the betweeners…that’s just, weird.
Probably gravitate towards yooldman and GregP and all the guys in the fixed axle realm. In public, I only use body language and gutteral sounds to communicate so it can get interesting when there is a misunderstanding.
Carlos from oxy would be pretty cool I think or Niubi
I agree there are some quality kids in thus forum. Yooldman, Gregp, yoyogeezer, mikeff, TA, jwil, the mods, oh man the list goes on. We could hang out and drink juice boxes. It would be like totally a rad time. actually it would be really fun.
My one pro yoyoer would have to be Augie. Meeting Andre would be amazing, but Augie’s play has always been my inspiration really so I can’t go beyond that.
Mmmm juice boxes. Augie fo sho.
As for non pro players I’d like to meet a lot of them.
To many to list but all of those I’ve talked to on this forum would be great.
Anthony Rojas, Drew Tetz, and Charles Haycock. They are probably my 3 biggest influences and they seem like unbelievably cool people.
Awesome guy! Knows how to grow a killer beard too!
Shinji Saito, Atsushi Yamada, and Alex Garcia.
2A legends. Hands down.
Top 3 would be:
3 Erine, He seems like such a great person.
2 Chase Hadden, I love his style plus I LOVE his music.
1 Zack Gormley, He’s my favorite yoyoer hands down.
Jensen and Chuck, There are loads of amazing player’s I just like their styles the best.
Ann connolly
tesa piccllo
andrew reed
andre boulay
petr kavka
corli du toit
and any other yoyoer…
I’ve been lucky enough to meet a ton of NorthAmerican and Asian players but I have met hardly any European players.
Maybe I just need to get to Czech for worlds next year…
- Charles haycock 2. Gentry stein 3. Harrison lee 4. Zach gormley 5. Caribou Chris
Hmmm… Myself maybe? Jk, uhhh… Lim aik hwee (or however you spell that).
Christopher Chia, he has some stuff I need some advice about
And there also other players I’d love to meet, Shinya Kido, Akitoshi Tokubuchi, Shinya Azuma…
Paul dang is awesome!
I know most people in so Cali!
Harold Owens III all the way! if he could come to EYYC …man that would be a blast
Harold Owens III
Shinya Kido
Darrell Mitchell
Tatsuya Fujisaka
Akitoshi Tokubuchi
Augie Fash