If you could meet any yoyo player...

Hiroyuki Suzuki, he’s just so fun to watch, and I want to improve my horizontals.

I have 3 that I just think would make my time with them the most worthwhile.

  1. Steve Brown - I want to meet him again now that I am an adult (I met him when I was 6 and I’m 27 now lol) and thank him for inspiring me to yoyo.

  2. Guy Wright - He seems like an intelligent, chill, smart dude and I think we would probably get along

  3. Jason Lee - I can’t help but think that picking his brain about his travels would be a great time and I’m sure he could show me some really sweet things in the process.

I met him for about five seconds. He was carrying these bagel looking things in a bag and I asked him where he got those. I just got awkward real quick haha…

Jensen seems like an awesome guy ;D

John Higby. There aren’t a lot of people who have as much yoyo performing experience as he does. The amount of useful information I could learn from him would he far, far more valuable than any trick anyone could ever teach me.

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He seems cool, but also seems a little obsessed with money. :stuck_out_tongue:

Mr. Jensen Kimmit. Would him to teach to get that paper.

Chris Mikulin. Seems like a genuinely nice guy that makes fantastic yoyos.

Charles Haycock. Seems like he’d be someone cool to hang with seems really laid back and his flow is amazing.

Steve Brown. Would like him to teach me this routine.

Either Jensen, Gentry, Andre, Steve Brown, Paul Dang, Alexis JV, Chuck, Chris Mikulin, or Jason Lee. HOT seems like a chill guy too.

Gentry, but I’ve met him many times.
Also, Charles haycock and Jensen would be awesome to hang out with. Also, Harold Owens III

Oh man… too many. These “pick one” threads are always too hard. :wink:

Steve Brown, Mike Montgomery, Jason Lee, Augie Fash off the top of my head.

More importantly, all the peeps from here or FB that I chat yoyo with… wanna meet all y’all in person!

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Chris Mikulin
Jason Lee
Adam Brewster
Seth Peterson
Abe Ziaimehr

Definitely Daniel Dietz

I really need to honestly add andré and his staff (while his staff might not be pro yoyoers they are pro yoyo sellers!) these guys are are top notch and I’d definitely like to hang with them (I might be able to do just that in oct).

I would actually want to meet 3, Andre boulay, Hiroyuki Suzuki, and Takeshi Matsuura :slight_smile:



We’d tear up Prague like there was no tomorrow.

I’m sure he’s cool to meet and talk to, but at contests he seems really busy…

Charles Haycock.

Man, so many players that I’d love to meet… If I’ve got to narrow it down to a few, it’s gotta be Chuck, Guy Wright, Anthony Rojas, or Sebby. They’re some of my favorite players, and have the best styles in the game in my opinion.


Paul dang. He just seems awesome.