If you could go back in time…

I had a yoyo battle in the middle school bathroom. We had a new kid transferred to our school and he had a Yomega Raider and was loud and proud about it. Everyone was amazed by his ability to do brain twister, around the world and Rock the cradle. He was an ■■■.

I wasn’t from a well to do financially family, but we got by and had what mattered, love. Folks got me a Duncan Butterfly and a VHS on how to yoyo. Everyday after school I watched it multiple times. Took a few months but I was able to split the atom and do the rollercoaster on it along with shoot the moon.

So I challenged him with a few other dudes to bear witness, he did his same old trucks there in the bathroom. Then I pulled out my Duncan butterfly and everyone chuckled, until I spilt the atom. I followed it up with roller coaster and then dropped down and shot the moon a few times.

I was the yoyo guy from that point forward. Thank you Duncan.


let’s say that, in the first days of the Code 2 Nautilus sale, there was a user who complained in the OneDrop forum about the fragility of the anodizing of this model because, due to a slight impact with a plastic button on his shirt, the yoyo presented a little damage and therefore suggested to do a bit more resistant anodizing in the future … the criticism was meant to be constructive but it was not taken that way, mainly by those who at the time were two moderators of the forum, Vendetta and Jason Rodriguez (moreover the designer of Code 2) who, rather than moderating, began to publicly taunt the user with phrases like “the child has ruined his toy, now he’s going to cry to his mom” and the like.
From there a heated discussion arose that lasted several days on the higher quality of the anodizing made by other manufacturers (eg YYR) and on the use by these manufacturers of aluminium alloys of greater strength (7075), which OD does not was using … perhaps due to higher material and production costs?
Apparently it ended there, but “by chance” a few weeks later OD decided to give birth to the GZR line, consisting of a 54 gray, a Code 1 whose color I don’t remember and a green Nautilus … in my opinion, to show that it was not a problem for them to work this alloy.
The thing would have ended there (and by now many weeks had passed since the “button accident”) but JRodriguez had the nice idea of ​​publishing a photo of a house demolished by a tornado with the word underneath: “I was playing in 5A with my Code 2 GZR but I missed the grip and here’s what happened … tonight what will I tell my wife?!”
It was a clear mockery to that user who claimed the greater strength of the 7075 alloy compared to the 6061 normally used by OD until recently … needless to say of the numerous hilarity replies … someone however warned that user, who quoted JRodriguez’s message replying to him: “simply explain to your wife that you are a poor idiot … you’ll see she’ll believe you!” :smiling_imp:
Within ten minutes that user found himself banned forever from the OD forum at the behest of the @da5id administrator … with the motivation “D!ckhead” written on a pop-up window… it can be … how can it be that a some time later , that user had his satisfaction, seeing that forum close forever. :face_with_head_bandage:
That user was me … that button was on my shirt and this is that Code 2 that perhaps, in a “not very elegant” ,way pushed OD to buy his first bar of 7075…
Without rancor eh! … but just to keep the “historical memory” :wink:


Did the original YoYoJam Hitman come in green? I don’t think it did…I know the Hitman Professional did. I REALLY loved my Hitman back in the early 2000’s.

Also, if I could go back in time I wouldn’t have sold off my John Higby and Atomic Cow painted yos, my Duncan Cold Fusions or my Freehand 1’s.


That is amazing! That reminds me of back when I was in elementary school I got my first freehand zero and took it to school cause I was so happy. I went use the “restroom” and was yo-yoing and some kid told on me and it was taken away for the rest of the school year :joy:


I remember the issues raised by someone about a button damaging a yo-yo. That, however, was not me.

What started the whole 7075 was a posting I put on the OneDrop forum: “The alloy used by OneDrop”; that questioned why YYR throws performed somuch better than others. I suggested that the increased density of 7075 might have something to do with it. That began the relentless ridiculing of this idea by Chris - whatever his name was; of highspeedyoyo - who insisted that the type of alloy was not important and that I was an idiot for even suggesting it.

I was then “banned” from the once-popular OneDrop forum for “being uncool”. That is what I got for trying to help; by having the temerity to question the wisdom of the Chris and the “incredible designers” at OneDrop.

Of course, history has proven me to be completely wrong. Everyone knows 7075 is just the same as 6061 now. The GZR line conclusively proved that there is not any difference between 6061 and 7075. That is why OneDrop does not tout the fact that a yo-yo is superior to 6061 when it is made of 7075. They do not even need to note the alloy-type when selling their own throws for more $ that use 7075.


in fact it was me … we are talking about the same situation … born at the same time from two different circumstances perhaps that led both you and me to make constructive criticisms, at least in intentions, but which were ridiculed (in your case by Chris Rhoads , in my from Vendetta and Jason Rodriguez) and the discussions intertwined or mine was the beginning to make you create yours, or maybe you started it before my complaint… I don’t remember now, but it all happened in the same days.
I remember perfectly well that at the time you had a yellow avatar with a soccer ball, white with black pentagons in a comic style … right?


I was around during the last of the 3rd run Peak drops, and wish I was old enough/had the money back then to cop one of them, but I was only 12 with no money lmao

The Torrent was dropped just the slightest smidge before I started throwing, but I wish I could’ve grabbed one of those bois. Wish I would’ve copped a Magnum as well at BLC 2010, I almost did.

In general I regret not grabbing some more classic, older CLYW pieces before my throwing hiatus in 2013. They’ve appreciated in value quite a bit and it would’ve been nice to grab one a bit cheaper back then.

Also a YWET… or two…


Any specific CLYW throws you regret not picking up before your hiatus?


If i could go back in time i would NOT trade away my OD M1 (was a gift too, young and dumb)(ps i know you’re out there Hank) and to pick up a General yo Hattrick and a Peak


especially the Hatrick … I almost took it “by mistake” … and who would have thought it … absolutely impressive … it seems small but instead it is perfect, it has spikes that seem to be of no use however much small, however, are perfectly and easily usable, it has an epic finish for grinds … only those who own it can understand what I’m talking about!


Agreed 100 percent on the Hatrick, have had three come and unfortunately go to pay bills when I was young. The finish, dead “general yo” smoothness, ability to perform like a full sized in a undersized package made it perfection.

And regarding the M1, don’t get me started, been begging @da5id for years for a reboot, lol. Based on the above I need to talk smack about it to get something done, so here goes. I bet YYR could make an M1 out of 7075 better than Onedrop. Bet they could even bring back the space bar and Affogato colorway. Bet they could also do it for $49 flat, lol. Bet it couldn’t even get dented by a plastic button (but em where it hurts)

Nothing but love, but seriously, the M1 is missed. We know it plays like a rock. We know it’s outdated. Same can be said about the OG Project. We would still love to see them again if it’s within your power. Sure would make 2022 fo a lot of us. Completely understand if there are factors we do t know about that makes this undoable , but if it’s cash, I’m ready to donate to a Kickstarter right now.


Haha, yes -my avatar was the app-badge for an iPhone app that I wrote for soccer (football) referees: uReferee


the world is small and the memory is big! :grinning: :wink:


Well, not quite the a directly accurate answer to the ‘Question’. But if I could go back in time, I would go back even further.

I Would go back about 21 years.

I would go back to the day I was standing in the Park at the 2001 National Yo-yo Contest.

Waaaay back then, I was pretty well known as a modder that spent his spare time cutting up Freehand yo-yos.

That day in the park, a guy walked up to me as I was chatting with a small circle of yo-yo players. As he stepped into the circle, the conversation stopped for a second or two. The guy smiled and handed me two yo-yos. I said thanks… he smiled…. And walked away.

I put the yo-yos in my bag and they stayed there till the end of the weekend. I drove the 500 miles home and put the yo-yo bag in my garage, stacked with so many other yo-yo related bags and boxes.Over the years, I have looked at them a few times but then just put them back safely in the Yomega soft bag.

When the New ‘Freehand One’ yo-yo dropped a few weeks back, my mind travelled back in time. I had the opportunity to buy more of these yo-yos at the time but when I found out they would be pretty limited, I decided to not be a hog and was just happy I ended up with 2 that were gifted to me.

If I could go back in time, I would have asked the guy that handed me the yoyos(Steve Brown) to show me some tricks and maybe I would have focused more on that style.

21 years ago, I should have asked My friend Steve Brown to help me get rolling with 5A tricks. I’d prolly be pretty good by now, lol.

Thanks again Steve… One of the Best yo-yo OG’s.

I’ve had a handful of people try to talk me out of these Ninjas, but I don’t easily part with gifts…
….And…. They are pretty🤓


You kids think small.
I would clean them out. Legally or not. Oops, sorry, that already happened.
As for the GZR, I traded Sonny my 54, I traded Splugen my code for a great nickel plated cascade. As for the rest well, it’s history.


If i could get back in time, like 10 years back, i would never bothered about buying yoyos. I just would bought as many bitcoins as i could :smiley:


I would get myself some Mini Derts or Baby Derts.


I would have started throwing when I was in my teens.


I wouldn’t have thrown away my yoyos if I knew I was coming back to the hobby :tired_face:


Thrown away? :flushed::flushed::flushed: