I had a yoyo battle in the middle school bathroom. We had a new kid transferred to our school and he had a Yomega Raider and was loud and proud about it. Everyone was amazed by his ability to do brain twister, around the world and Rock the cradle. He was an ■■■.
I wasn’t from a well to do financially family, but we got by and had what mattered, love. Folks got me a Duncan Butterfly and a VHS on how to yoyo. Everyday after school I watched it multiple times. Took a few months but I was able to split the atom and do the rollercoaster on it along with shoot the moon.
So I challenged him with a few other dudes to bear witness, he did his same old trucks there in the bathroom. Then I pulled out my Duncan butterfly and everyone chuckled, until I spilt the atom. I followed it up with roller coaster and then dropped down and shot the moon a few times.
I was the yoyo guy from that point forward. Thank you Duncan.