I recently picked up a collection of yo-yos from a resale shop. The collection included these nine yoyojam models w/out caps that I’m trying to identify. I’m hoping that this board can help.
I think this might picture the same mega spinfaktors you’re trying to identify. The DJ axle purple and the white/multi color. They look like the same ones, but with the caps to me.
If the top middle is a kickside it could be this color. I do not believe this is a cap that came on them, so this could also be misidentified. If it is a kickside instead of a patriot or journey can’t you tell by the response system? Kickside is supposed to have some startburst oring hybrid? The patriot is also bigger than the kickside and journey based on stats I can find, so you might measure it.
Edit: I see now the response was modified on it, so you’re not sure. Measuring it might help if you had some decent calipers or something to measure accurately.