I did consider that one! The Patriot has starburst on both sides though doesn’t it?
also width of this one is more in the 42-45mm range & i think the patriot was a little wider?
I think it most resembles a Journey but I’ve never seen one this color & the response is weird lol
Possibly a matrix then. It was half and half, I don’t remember them being made in enyo but I might have damaged that particular braincell over the years.
also the matrix has a hi walled v shaped wing profile and an oldschool bearing like on the superyo renegade… the patriot, kickside and journey are organic/round with a c bearing.
it is organic shape
has C bearing and the half O ring half Starburst response.
must be a kickside, but definitely thought it was more the size of a journey and weight is very light.