YoyoJam Identification

got this second hand from a cool guy.
At first I thought it was a journey but then thought it could be a kickside?

It weighs around 57 grams?
Is it possible these old plastic throws loose weight over time as they loose moisture in the plastic or something?

It also has half O ring response and half starburst. witch i thought the journey had double O ring?

the diameter seems to be closer to the 57.4 of the journey than the 56 of the kickside.

the width is adjustable so hard to measure.

does anybody know what year, model or what kind of caps would have been on it?

Thx for the help :slight_smile:

I think the patriot was in enyo for a worlds release.

I did consider that one! The Patriot has starburst on both sides though doesn’t it?
also width of this one is more in the 42-45mm range & i think the patriot was a little wider?

I think it most resembles a Journey but I’ve never seen one this color & the response is weird lol

Possibly a matrix then. It was half and half, I don’t remember them being made in enyo but I might have damaged that particular braincell over the years.

patriot was starburst, kickside was half starburst, half oring, journey was double oring.

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also the matrix has a hi walled v shaped wing profile and an oldschool bearing like on the superyo renegade… the patriot, kickside and journey are organic/round with a c bearing.

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it is organic shape
has C bearing and the half O ring half Starburst response.
must be a kickside, but definitely thought it was more the size of a journey and weight is very light.

Most likely a modified Yoyojam Patriot. Weight is most likely less from removing the caps.


Oh true, i forgot about the caps adding weight lol
whats the chance of some dark magic 2 caps fitting?

I have had a large collection of Journeys over a period of time. All were double o-ring response. Never saw an enyo one.