Hey folks, i came up on a yoyo lot and need help identifying this throw. Thanks in advance.
Kyo DNS. Pretty fun yoyo. The DNS stands for Do Not Stack apparently.
Appreciate the response, thank you bud. Hella fun lil throw.
That looks kinda like a YoYoJam Lyn Fury. If it weighs about 64g, has a diameter ~54mm and a width of ~41mm, that’s probably it.
Hey Isaac,
I think you’re right, thank bud !
The YoYoJam Lyn Fury had narrower black o-rings. Those look to be some sort of stock silicone rings of later YYJ models, not a custom silicone job. Also, maybe it’s camera distortion from being too close but the profile doesn’t look right. It’s not rounded enough. The shoulder looks too sharp. And even at that resolution, the four mold dimples should be visible in the flat portion around the o-rings.
Pics courtesy of the Museum of Yo-Yo History
The profile looks more like a speedmaker
I"ll go with that, guessing it was a half swap, as the original speedmaker had the hybrid response system - half o-ring and half starburst. And here I’m ready to concede that this may be a home brew silicone job.
I’ll also relent on the mold dimples being visible.
One problem I have with thinking it’s a speedmaker is the outer edge of the rim is flatter on the speedmaker. Then again it may be distortion in the mystery yoyo pics.
I believe the Original yoyofactory one design. Not the new one with the ski jumps about halfway up the profile. These were FUN yoyos.
I think @Yosiah might be right, while I couldn’t find a pic of the old Ones the profile of the current one looks super similar to the yo-yo you posted just without the bumps/ski jumps like Yosiah mentions.
Plus the guts look very similar, no visible metal in the axle holes vs the visible brass (?) in the YYJ throws:
(Pics courtesy that crazy yo-yo shop in Colorado)
My buddies and i used to buy these for the yoyo club we had in middle school to give to other people. My typing teacher even pitched in to buy about 20 of them so we could get as many people possible throwing as we could. SIDE NOTE: that club and people starting to yoyo would never have started if dazzling dave had never come to our school for a demonstration. Good times. Thats def a yoyofactory one
The pics from Isaac show a much larger flat area around the bearing than those posted by
Yes. I know there were 2 seperatw versions of the yoyofactory one. The original and present which has the ski jumps and a little different feeling plastic. As far as i can recall the one that @EF.n.YOYO posted is the one just by my recollection.
Could be wrong. This is all just what i remember
popping in to back up the old YYF One vote
Here’s a pic of the old profile
Looks about the same
EDIT: I think I can say almost without a doubt that that’s an old YYF One
Thank you to @Isaac , @Yosiah , @KirbyRobot , and @jhb8426 . It was fun to see your comments and try to figure out this lil guy. The red profile pic of the original YYF One looks spot on. Hella appreciate your help.
Thanks again
Hey folks, here’s another one I need some help with. Any info on this is much appreciated.
Thanks in advance
Happy Holidays
I think that’s the g2 x r/throwers yoyo.
Hey, right on bud , appreciate the response. Looks like you’re on the money
Hey folks, hope your new year is off to a proper start. Heres another throw i need help identifying. Any info is much appreciated.
Thank you in advance.
It looks like a Mythril mono-metal. Not sure about the model
Maybe a Zeppelin