I thought I was fairly coordinated until I tried Ninja Vanish>

I just can’t seem to generate the loop that comes back over the string to catch the yoyo on the way down.

Any helpful suggestions would be most helpful.

I have never posted in this category/ever…But this one has got me stumped.


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Put your NTH about 6 inches from your throwhand and try. Also make sure you are twisting your wrist

Sent from Ice Cream Sandwich Eatin’ Optimus V

I just learned this about a month ago. The trick is to sloooow down the whip towards your body to create a nice wide open loop. Also when you pop the yoyo up you want to give it enough time to come up high enough (about the level of your throw hand) to create the slack in the string for the loop.

It’s a tough trick to learn but once you get it you’ll be able to land it blindfolded. The trick is to find the right place to pinch the string so get as big a loop as possible. This will vary from person to person because some people naturally whip harder than other people. Personally, I find pinching the string about midway works for me.

Other tips for ninja vanish:
-don’t whip too hard. It should be a nice flowing motion and the yoyo should remain underneath the string coming from your throwhand at all times.
-try learning by grabbing the string with your entire hand instead of just one finger. Or one finger or two fingers or whatever works for you.
-make sure your string tension is dead neutral. If that string starts twisting, that loop is going to be impossible to hit.
-find another trick to learn alongside ninja vanish. There’s nothing more frustrating than attempting the same trick for hours on end without success. Mix things up a little and come back to it a little later.


As Big Yoyo said, 6in from your throw hand is almost perfect. Don’t force the whip, gently guide the whip to the yoyo. Once you get it there are several variations you can do, such as a grind into ninja vanish. Hope all the info people gave helps! Good luck!

It’s all in the wrist. ;D Make sure you turn your wrist all the way over, palm up to palm down. That should generate the loop. Like on the link below, and mentioned already, you can use 1 finger or 4. Some find one way easier than the other.

With the entry mentioned in the middle of the video you can just practice it over and over in a row if you pop out of the GT into trapeze. Good luck!


I also find that it helps to move the yo-yo away from your body before you whip it.

The motion you use to bring the yoyo up has to be combined with the whipping of the string.  Basicly you bring it up, then whip the slack down and into the gap of the yoyo.
here is a tutorial, I think it explains it well.  This trick is way easyer to learn in person.  I learned it from hank freemans girlfriend at like 05 or 06 nats. with jon bot and several other accomplished yoyoers.  it was a fun time.  ;)  lol