I love the Rally

Yeah it’s really satisfying to play.

I love the way it sounds while spinning and sound it makes on binds.


It whizzes like a little metal yoyo. I love it.

Ordered two for the little guy and I… Got to try it at One Drop’s Shop… Amazing.

I also got to try the Blue prototype version. I do like the final color in hand, the pictures don’t do it justice.

I can’t get over how good the Rally is. I can’t put it down (except to type this). I’m so impressed! It’s a plastic that plays truly as good as a metal! And not just any metal, the best of the best.

Heck yea man!!! It’s so good that it is officially SOLD OUT of YYE. 150 gone in under 2 weeks!!!

Waiting on mine! should be here tomorrow!!! I LOVE MY GF

Not surprising, it is a killer yo-yo.

I have no doubt you will enjoy it.

I love it as well as many others. I had to put it down because I am on vacation and have no way of acquiring acetone to clean the bearing that I dropped in dust:(

Just got my rally and I’m pretty disappointed!

Disappointed I couldn’t get 10 more! This is easily the best Metal/plastic combination yoyo I have ever played. It’s literally perfect in every way. Its super smooth, spins forever, can handle it all, grinds amazing, perfect weight for speed and stability. I love it to be honest! This is a Home Run for One Drop. They made this a yoyo that I can see contend to be yoyo of the year. It really plays like a metal which is odd yet amazing.

Everyone go buy one if you haven’t and if you have one, go buy another!

Wow sold out! Glad I ordered them! Got mine today! Yo Yo expert is lightening quick!

You’ll be impressed.

I used to throw undersized yoyos exclusively, but the outbreak of Great playing full size yoyos has got me throwing full size yoyos a lot more.

I tuned mine today. It was very smooth for a plastic but not good enough for my standards. I have it pretty tight, but it is dead smooth on grinds and passes the fingernail test flawlessly. There is no indication it’s spinning other than bearing noise. Seriously this yoyo is blowing my mind. One Drop has become one of my top 3 favorite companies in the past few months, and this shows why. I’m planning to make a review a bit later!

I’ll be looking forward to it.

Be sure to use your own pictures. I can’t stress that enough :slight_smile:

I really want to get one. A lot of people are complaining about the stock bearing, so I think that they should have an option to buy it with a 10 ball included for $53

Don’t worry, I’ll try to make it better than my surge review :slight_smile:

Eh, too much work for them. It’s easier to just buy your own.

Edit: SORRY double post

If someone wants a YYR 6 for your Rally and a little bit of $$$ let me know…

Very tempting… how much money are you going to give me with that YYR 6 to get my Rally? :wink:

I’d be more than willing to give you -$23 :slight_smile:

Nah, couldn’t do it. My Rally is worth the YYR 6 plus $50… hold the Six. :slight_smile:
(Anyone thinking I am actually serious, my Rally is not for sale, it is too darn good.)

If I don’t have a Rally or Yeti in my hands within the next 3 weeks I’m going to go crazy. Please someone. Just rip me off. I don’t care anymore. My surge just broke and I hate throwing Metals now for some reason. Please I beg someone to rip me off.

Anybody else enjoy throwing plastics more than metals?