I just realized.......

I haven’t acquired a new yoyo since May of 2013! That is just wrong! :-[ Wrong on so many levels.

That might be a record for me, and not a good record. What’s your record?

I need to break this dry spell. :wink:

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March 2000 to July 2012. Albeit time in which I did not throw, therefore I did not want new throws. From birth btw.

The time between my first real throw to my next was the longest. Around 8 months.

Same here but 7 months

Like 4 days.

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Like 4 months for me lol

Christmas 2011 to September 2013. Most of that was spent not into yoyos though.

I have done 10 months. That was last year too it was VA state 2013 to late November so most of the year.

I didn’t buy any yoyos from 1998 to 2007, so I have a duty to make up for it with regular yoyo purchases.

Also, it’s your lucky day skitrz! I have a magical Freehand Zero I can sell you for $1000. PM me for details.

Haha, yeah the magic is your bank account grows and mine shrinks! I’m wise to your shenanigans Jrod. :wink:

june1999 to july 2014

Its been a few days since ive bought any yoyo at all, but its been over a year since Ive bought a throw over $50

So I got a long dry spell I just got me a YYF Horizon last month. Before that I got a YYF FAST 201 back in October of 2003. Beat That!! just over 10 years!

5-6 months ago; my last purchase was a Speedaholic and a TooHOT