I have narrowed it down to 3 (maybe 4), which to pick?

Just a note, the rims of the summit? There isn’t much material there at all.
It’s not rim weighted at all. It’s more middle weighted. Same as the cascade.

I don’t understand how the summit feels so heavy to you. It feels super light to me.
The cascade felt pretty average weight, until I popped ultralights into mine.


It’s just to slow for me. And it’s not really anything special.

I understand that it fits your preferences perfectly, but it doesn’t fit my fast paced style.

Also, you can’t change the side effects unless you do domes or spikes, to me even the spikes are to heavy. No disks, brass domes or other heavy side effects.

I would like it a lot more if it was lighter so you can change SEs more

My style is Wayy fast on most occasions.
I guess maybe it’s muscle memory.
The summit accelerates just as much to me as the cascade does.
Oh well, who knows?

I find that people think different about side effects than I do. Sure, they are replaceable and change weights, but you don’t need to be switching them out every day for “fun”. If you think a yoyo isn’t good for you, you can try another setting. Then you switch back or keep it. Therefore, if a yoyo doesn’t play well with other side effects, keep the stock ones in. It’s not a bad yoyo because you can’t play with the axle, and it’s still replaceable in case of stripping, which better than most yoyos.

I have decided on the wrath! Biggest reason being i didnt want to get another one drop, and NOT b.c i dont like one drop, i LOVE my CODE 2. I just want a diverse inventory really.

I really want some cool looking one but they only have solid colors in stock here. Whats the best way to go about this/do you think they will stock other colorways soon?

There won’t be wraths made for a very log time an no time in the immediate future. You can buy it new with I guess only solid colored or you can try and find on on the bst.

Thats a shame :confused: im probably going to end up with the cascade then. I really want the wrath tho, now im torn again haha

If you really can’t do solid colours, it’s not like the Cascade is going to be a bad choice. Go for it! It won’t be the last yoyo you ever buy… keep an eye out for a Wrath that suits you.

Yeah im 99% sold on the cascade at this point, but just to cover ALL of my bases, can anyone give some insight on CLYW avalanche? Its just one last one that caught my eye.

Btw, thanks for all of the insight everyone! very helpful!

Hah! Analysis Paralysis in full effect!

The Avalanche is an awesome yoyo. It’s got some presence on the string without being heavy. Strong spins, great stability. Comfortable in the hand and on the catch. Good grinder. All in all, a really good throw!

It seems a little similar to my code 2 would be my only hold backs really

Au contraire!
Very different from the code2
Much more nimble, more a bit more solid, and i feel the shape is a tad more comfortable(but I just don’t like groves)