I feel like an OG in the yoyo world.

I’m 33, whipper-snapper.

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Andre is ultimate OG

OG does not stand for “old guy” …

Heh, I could be some of these guys’ son! I’m 13 young blooooood :slight_smile:

to OG’s it does

26 baby! The mid 20’s are the best! Im really glad I’m not old yet…sorry guys ;D

Original gangster
someone who has been around, old school gangster (this is why I said Andre)

It can stand for old guy if you flip it. its all slang.

30 here. You still young homie.

It does not matter if you are as young as Mrjackthepoodle or as old as me. And I mean no offense to the kids here on the forum and else where because we were all kids once upon a time. It is just nice to know there are so many full grown adults who enjoy yo-yoing.


Grown adults? I think not! Just well matured kids, thank you very much. :wink:

That’s the first time I’ve ever been called a grown adult. I’ll forgive you this once, just don’t do it again and we’re good.

A few weeks ago someone referred to “skitrz” as “skirts”. Now he is a “gown adult”.

Hmm…listen skitrz, if you ever want to talk about life, anything at all, free of judgement, my door is always open.

ROFL ( see what I did there?)

Yeah, I see what you did there. Trust me kids, it used to say “gown”.

(You moderators and your cheater editing capabilities.)