This will be one of a kind. I think I mentioned this in the chat the other day.
Bathroom sink handles. Gonna make them into a looper
This will be one of a kind. I think I mentioned this in the chat the other day.
Bathroom sink handles. Gonna make them into a looper
So awesome…If these perform well, I’ll try to pick them up for shure!
Yeah. Would this be two loopers or one, out of the two handles?
If I can make a matching pair I will be enthused! We’ll see. I will have to get another pair.
Avec the Diet Dr Pepper! Put those 23 flavors in your cup and drink 'em!
I hope you can do it, very very unique.
That would be interesting, but it seems like it’d be better for string tricks, because of the shape.
I’ll cut most of that off. I need to get to the solid part of the handles which is at the top.
I see.
Only you would go : I have to wash my hand… WAIT I can use the Handles for looping yo-yos!
youve inspired me im gonna make a yoyo myself
Then do it! Gotta have pics though!
i wanted to use the metal knobs on our cabinates to make a mighty flea-ish yoyo but my mom was like “no u cant!!! are u insane!!! this is a part of our house, not a part of your colection!!!” and i was like “watever” so o well :-\ but if anyone else (who has a mom who is willing to donate in the name of yoyos) wants to try it, i say GO AHEAD!!!
Intersting idea. Can’t wait to see the finished product.
good guy drink dr pepper
Well guess what fellas. Some of you know that I lost one of those handle/knobs. Well I found it. I cut them down last night and just finished siliconing them. Duncan guts. I can’t wait till this sili dries.
Haha wow. Awesome! Gotta get pics up soon.
I’ll get a few pics up soon but I haven’t found a good axle for it yet. I used a FHZ axle with FHZ guts. The axle is way too long but I can still play it. Kinda weird. Brad did spirit bomb on it. Blew my mind.