I <3 Trading

This is fairly random I just dont know how to say it so I made a topic! I was thinking a week or so back when I started selling my G5 about NYYR iteams and relized “Now that I yoyo, I dont need my DS!” So off I went to the Big BST and posted about trading my DS and all the games (Like 2 ;)) and I got an offer. White PGM unstacked, Blue X-convict, and 50$. I immediately ran to the bathroom, the only hard part was getting this guy to PM me his address. He wouldnt tell me it for a while then he did, so yesterday in the mail I got them along with my M1 (I first threw them today because of the love of my M1) and played with them today and I love them. So, the lesson in this is:

  1. YoYoing can make you lots of fun stuff.

  2. Old habits are helpful with new ones.

  3. ALWAYS wear Pampers on the BST.

would you suggest other people sell their DS’ to get yoyos?

I would suggest thinking. Think about things you never use, think if a yoyoer would want it. :wink: