Anyone else change yoyos like they change their underwear?

I know many collect, and that’s super cool. Me though, I like to try out as many as possible, and I’m not financially in a place to just buy and keep, so I trade, or sell and use the funds to buy more.

I know it may difficult for someone that gets emotionally attached to a yoyo, but from what I’ve seen, our community is so loving that if I ever had to get something back, chances are I could. I made a post yesterday wanting to buy an End 2 because I really missed mine. Because I was willing to pay the going rate, about $159, I got it done. We have an awesome community.

I have tried so many yoyos with this method, especially in the yoyonation forum days. Not much trading going on nowadays, but it’s just as easy to sell and use the funds to buy something else.

Anyone else like this?


My collection is very small considering from when I started yoyoing, my issue has ever been that at some point I ding my yoyos and they basically lose all the value they can have and other than that I never been super able to afford expensive pieces that keep a value, growing up I pay slightly more attention to them (I have the ones where I play everywhere and are dinged to death and some that I keep mint and play on a carpet just in case).
Saying that if I had the chance to sell something I will do to try new things (also I like only very performing yoyos and they don’t come cheap usually), except from when I went to the forum here the first months I had to take out some wishes I had from very long time (mostly one drops), now I feel like I am in a place where I do not have a big wish of a new yoyo, I have a couple that I use every day and I love them, being sponsored and in a team helped as well as I mostly use their products all day (and just change with other for fun), I would say that maybe ever 6/9 months I have a real wish to try something new but I really think your method is the best and I see so many people doing it


People aren’t gonna like me for this but I buy MFD for this reason. I’ve bought 6 mfd yoyos straight from mfd and profited around 700 so I could afford more expensive yoyos.

The only reason I was able to afford the rso Martian and the diptych I got recently was from purchasing 3 mfd yo-yos for 300 total and selling them for 800 total.

I probably wouldn’t allow myself to spend 300+ on a yo-yo if I didn’t do this.

I for sure wouldn’t have spent 350 on the diptych if wasn’t able to purchase my pixelape for 100 and flip it for 300.


Nothing wrong with that in my opinion.

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There are many people here in the community doing this. Even making better photos then the companies producing the throws lol
Yeah I mean up to you. This costs all a lot of time buy, sell, communicate, take photos, ship them etc.
If you enjoy that nothing wrong with it I guess.

P.S. I think we all make PayPal happy with our G&S fees :grin:

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Lol, not me, I everyone except Uncle Sam friends and family nowadays.


I’m in this to play, not collect, so I’ve always done my research before making any major purchases. That doesn’t always mean we’ll click, so I’ve had to make a few trades.

I think I’m in a pretty good spot right now, but it’s starting to become more of a collection than I’d like and there are definitely some past and future releases that will be added as time goes on. I don’t want things getting out of hand, so I have a few in the back of my mind that could possibly go on the chopping block next round. It’s hard not to become a collector in this hobby :sweat_smile:


I have a box that holds 8 yo-yos. I don’t allow myself to have more than 8 at a time. I like keeping things minimal. From 2018 to 2022 I only owned and used one yo-yo, a Pickaxe. It’s been nice to try out some new throws recently though, and revisit some old ones that I had fond memories of. I really like the Carbine and the Panorama. I recently got a Chief that I will probably never let go because it gives me sweet nostalgia vibes.


Impressive levels of self control


I believe variety is the spice of life so I have a ton of throws now and like to mix it up. because I can. when I was young and significantly more broke, i had only a handful of yoyos, mostly in the under 20 dollar range and couldn’t justify getting better ones until my trick skills made me feel worthy. also I hope no one here has only one pair of underwear, lol.


Depends if they’re GUCCI and they’re $520 a pair.


It’s nice to have a variety of throws because it helps a bunch when I am trying to learn something new, to be able to try it on different yo-yos.
I also collect because I just enjoy them.
As to the underwear connection, I don’t know about that, other than the profit angle.


still, eeeew.

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I do the best I can to stay to 10 or below. I’m not sure why I am this way, but I really don’t like having large collections of any hobby. I just buy, try, sell, repeat. Nothing that I own is safe from the BST lol.q


Changing once or twice per day seems totally reasonable to me…

I keep my yo-yo collection “active thrown” typically or keeping ones I don’t think if I tried I could get back in the same condition

Definitely done a lot more trading recently even for quite a few g2’s and I have ended up liking them lots so I plan to keep them.

The MFD’s in my collection have typically stayed unless I really wanted to do something with the cash (like buy a mtg deck lol) and I was cool with never seeing that color/condition again

So those I have 1 of 6061/7075 and if I happen to get a cool colorway past that I may sell the new one or the old one cause they definitely from demand are worth it just for trades even you get a lot of swing on them for trades especially MFD for MFD

I proxy most of my MTG stuff now. MPC Fill and got me over the hump of not wanting to use crappy proxies. Pretty fun being able to put together 5c EDH decks for dirt cheap.

If i changed my underwear as infrequently as I did my yo… nothing good would come of this. I only use my Hydrogen Crash and Speedaholic XX

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That’s definitely fair! But I was playing in modern tournaments at my LGS so can’t proxy if I wanted to play :slight_smile:

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I change out my yoyos and my underwear every couple of weeks. I have a bunch of yoyos to be able to switch regularly. Same with my underwear. :wink: