Hurricane Sandy

Man lots of people missing florida

very true! good times there.

lol I’ll just take the week off!

Meanwhile, here on Maui… Some lame tsunami warnings, biggest wave was like 3 feet, yet they still have to evacuate all the lower areas, :P.

Hahaha here in Maryland hurricane sandy hit and it isn’t even that strong at the moment


I live near Philadelphia and they said it will be the worst from 8pm tonight into the morning Tuesday

Yay no school for 2 days…you guys will see a lot of me…

stay safe bro

Ya, I’m in Scranton, but as of this morning they said once it hits land its going to loose speed quick. Then again, the meteorologists here are terrible at their jobs HAHA!!

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You’re in scaranton? That’s only like and hour away from me.

Sandy is off shore for us and right now its a heavy rainstorm so far for us

Garage is as wrapped up as it can get. Powder and all accessories are as high and dry as they can get and the yoyo’s are at the door waiting to make a run to parents if the water comes in the house.

okay that means the powder is safe… aww man new jersey’s bay and ocean are now one body of water there goes my cousins beach house :-[

rainin’, rainin’, rainin’… rainin’, rainin’, ranin’

I bet there’s tons of

Mgodinez would be proud.

yep the hurricane is off shore and its really rainy and windy ant imagine when it gets on shore for us… its going to last least last 3 days or more :-[

Yup, I’m in Scranton…unfortunately HAHA!!!

maybe this means Jersey Shore will finally be cancelled.

that wasn’t nice. sorry. :’(

Sandy is now almost here in RI. still have power. still hoping.

rainin’, rainin’…rainin’