How you got your first yoyo.

I wanted a Yomega brain, under the impression that it would function like a yoyo ball but look more like a regular yoyo. Of course, my parents denied it when they saw it was $13 (which was apparently expensive at the time in the mid 90s). Bummed, my cousins and I headed into KB Toys where I grabbed a red Duncan Imperial after my dad telling me all about Duncans and being top of the line. It was then I discovered that you don’t dribble a yoyo, you fling it downward and it will sleep, thus uncovering the mystery behind the Brain yoyo I saw ‘hanging at the end of the string and coming up.’ I had no idea it was spinning, just hanging there.

My gpa is a person who buys a bunch of junk and sells it on ebay and somehow gets lucky and hits it big once in a while. Well he had a fifties imperial for sale. While I was at his house he let me use it. He saw i like it so much that he let me keep it. That was about 7 months ago. ;D

I was Dj’ing at Seaworld in Orlando for their Summer Nights festivities and a guy was walking by throwing down some tricks on a YYF Protostar, so I called him up to the stage to do a quick routine and I thought it was so amazing. He told me what it was and I wrote it down, went home, and looked it up online and bought it from the first store I found. Then when I finally got it in the mail I was very sad because it was broke…it didn’t come back to my hand! Haha!

I got a Duncan butterfly probably 20 years ago and used to play with it constantly. Finally the original string broke and the yoyo flew and hit my mom in the head. Needless to say she was mad and I didn’t have any backup strings so I would have to buy a new yoyo when the strings wore out. This went on for several years.

Last Christmas we got a butterfly for my sons stocking and throwing that renewed my interest. Then I found videos, the forum, bought a couple duncans (Fh2, fhz, etc), started modding and the rest is history. Although I took a long hiatus through spring and summer before I got serious. I started a new job and that was eating up my time and energy.

My first yoyo was a white Duncan Imperial, still made of wood but I think the axle was metal. This was Christmas of 1978, It was a gift from my parents.

The rest of the story isn’t all that great though, and it’s documented elsewhere here at YYE. Despite the failure, my interest went by the wayside buy never really went away. Always in the back of my mind. Fast forward to May of 2011 and I’m in it for reals this time, having a great time and really, that’s all that is important.

I was around seven or eight and i went to this christian camp called ghormely and ther ewas this guy named “kevin the yoyo man” well i had around 12 dollars in my pocket and bought a purple fast 201 from him. over the next six days i learned all the basics like spaghetti, walk the dog, around the world, rock the baby. thats how i got started.

I was in 5th Grade and I pretty much stole a Duncan Butterfly from a 7th Grader. Then I got a Throw Monkey, DM2, then the rest, u can figure out

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Plastic imperial a while ago from my parents probably, or me wanting one.
coke ones from the 90s from Coca Cola of course.
the ones that brought me to the modern era of yoyoing were lent to me by my best friend when I broke my right foot skateboarding; a FH1, Bapezilla, 888.

My first yoyo was probably from Superstore. It’s a Fireball.

I was digging through a box of old toys that I had and found this cheap $1 looping yo-yo and I thought it would be cool to play with for a while and I started to wonder if there were professional yo-yos so I looked it up and yye came up so…

My dad had an original duncan from back in the 1970’s (or whenever they were first made). He gave it to me and that got me interested

my home boy wyatt brought his duncan bumble bee to school and i was all “wyatt where do i get one!!” he told my about the wonderful world of internet shopping and so i started browsing the web and decided on a yyj speed maker i begged my mom to get one for me and my dad was a firm no because “you can get a yoyo at walmart for 3 dollars…” me “me but i want a 1a style those are 2a!! its comes back up” my dad " its a yoyo" finaly after days of constant nagging (not the way one should try to get what they want but still it worked and i have matured since some what =p) my parents caved i got it i loved it they thought id give up and here i am rockin my gen-yo entheos and my yyr clash the 2 best yoyos ever made followed closely by my M1 and that is the story of how i got into yoyoing and then 6 of my friends got into it and about 4 of us still advantly yoyo to this day

i got a blue duncan proyo from the liberty science center.