How to make a yoyo case.
1) Get a laptop bag or any case youd like. I got mine at BigLots, But you can find them online or at stores like target, walmart, biglots and you might even have one at home.
Go to any craft store and look for foam 2 inch thick and bigger than your case in dimensions . A good place to look is Joannes Fabric. were i got the foam for $7
At the craft store they most likely have Rit dye. this is optional but you can use this to dye the foam if you dont like white.
Measure your cases dimensions and cut the foam to be a little bigger then the dimensions of the case. Then put the foam in the case and make sure it fits. if it doesent you can always take some foam off with your scissors.
5)Now to dye the foam. you need. 1. gloves
2. a bucket and sink
3. dye
4. hot water
first- you want to put the bucket in the sink and fill it with hot water
second- poor the whole packet of rit dye into the hot water and put your gloves on
third- put the foam into the water and soak it in loke a spunge. the longer you keep it in the darker it will be so chek every 10 seconds
fourth- squeeze all of the water out of the foam
fifth- rince it in cool water and squeeze it out
sixth-let the foam dry for 24 hours . ( i put it in my garage). and then your done
Now take a hunts tomato paste can. ( the small can the size of a yoyo approximately ) and cut the lid off but you want to take the ridge off so you have the can sharp. ( shown in a video at the end of post )
Take the can and put it in the foam and twist and it shout make a cut in the foam. cut in the places were you want your yoyos . ( shown in video aswell )
put into your case and wala your finished. ;D
Give yourself a nice round of aplause you made your own yoyo case!!! ;D
Thanks to Beverchakus