How to get a clean bind with Plastic Whip?

This trick was pretty easy for me to get, but I’m having trouble doing the bind where you swing the yo-yo out and then release the string hooked on your thumb. Depending on which yoyo I use, it always binds sloppy with a big loop hanging out. I’ve tried flicking the string up, down, waiting for the spin to slow down, etc, but I haven’t found a way to get a decent bind consistently.


Try a stronger toss. I don’t do anything with my thumb to release the loop. The motion/strength of the toss pulls the loop off the thumb and I get a good bind nearly every time. When the bind is bad it’s because the toss is too strong and it slips. Almost hit my wife in the face when it slipped once. Would have been the end of my yo-yo hobby and probably my life :grinning:


Thanks. Trying now!