Are they a known yoyoer? what College do you go to?
I know of a few but it’s a 100,000+ person company so the odds are decent.
I’m the only one where I work, it’s received surprisingly well though; considering most the dudes are “bro bros” / chads.
I think here could be an interesting study around this. Yoyoers aren’t exactly known for being Chads, ya know?
But… I am
You’re THE Chad.
I know i’m going to regret asking this but what is the meaning of the word Chad in the posts above ?
For me its to do to do with the 1940s and rationing. little face peering over a wall “wot no…” catch phrase. But i’m guessing the meaning has now changed.
Probably a site like Urban Dictionary is your best bet for slang like that.
Well well well it can be a very colourful term indeed, and not always polite depeding on context.
Who knew it was also the name given to the little bits of paper you get from a hole punch, i think thats my favorite interpretation.
I go to a small middle/high school with only 12 students total from 5th through 12th grade. I’m the only one who yoyos regularly but there are a few kids that I taught how to do some basic tricks like trapeze.
A few people yo-yo at my workplace.
As far as I know probably everyone at my school thinks of a round thing that comes down and up when you mention "yoyo"xD
I’m a school bus driver and last year, I got a few kids involved with yoyos. During the summer,it pretty well died down because of out side camping and baseball stuff. I’ve thought about bringing it back into the school I drive for. Will have to do some more poking around and see what happens.
This kid at my school asked me what I was doing on my computer, and I said I was buying a new yoyo. He asked me what yoyo I was getting and I said I was probably going to buy the Trident for $100. Then he asked why in the world I would pay $100 for a plastic toy that goes up and down on a string.
I hate when people say that. But that happens with every “unpopular” hobbie haha
Fellow homeschooler. I got into it when I was probably 10. I think part of the correlation might be that it’s a fun and engaging hobby that homeschooling parents won’t look down on. I remember my parents hated when I played too many video games but I could practice yo-yo tricks all day long and they would t bat an eye.
usually homeschooled people (no offense) can’t meet people the way people who go to a big school can, and so yoyoing is a gr8 way to meet friends and pass time.
I just moved from maryland to pennsylvania, havent met a single other person who even still owns a yoyo