How many yoyos? (Merged)

About 20… I’ve had about 50 or 60 though

Too many I think

14, but trying to sell some off.

A few.

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More than one, less than studio42

About 7. Yyf gfunk, yyf monster, yyj dm2,yyj atmosphere, yyf dv888, clyw chief, and yoyorec sliepnir. But I’ve had about 10-15 a lot of imperials, butterfly’s,and proyos. But technically 8 because I’m getting a shutter really soon.

4 as well

  1. 11th is in the mail, but I have owned about 20 before.

I’ve made some massive changes lately. Don’t be so sure of that statement!

Including the crappiest of yoyos and the ones that belong to my son… 36. There are about 20 that are worthy of selling on if I ever feel like it. The rest are things nobody would bother to buy. :wink:

Before or after nats?

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2 less than I had last week at this time. Hopefully less than that a week from now.

There is a recent thread on this here, if you’re interested:,67659.0.html


Before. Lost interest pretty much before BAC.

However something big happened a few days ago.

More changes coming.

By this standard, I have one.

not enough