How long have you been Throwing?

Lets get this thread back up onto show!
Forgot about this!

June or july 2010 I got first unresponsive yoyo, DM I and I still suck!


Fifteen months.

since '05…the class of fng, 'phark. and jake bullock was still king!



since september last year

Nearabout 2 years, I reckon.

3 months maybe not even that. Had done before when I was a lot younger when the yoyo craze was about! Saw a proyo in my local gadget shop couple months ago n had to buy it! Its amazing how advanced yoyos have got. Now I have a dm2, prelude ,lyn fury, desperado n5 and the littles.

I has been three years since I gotten into yoyoing( while I was living in the USA),
Then my family moved back to china and after I broke all my Yoyos I took a break. Then they started selling Yoyos in store near my place, I picked one up and got back into throwing, that’s when I got pretty serious, started making tricks of my own( andres style seems too old school for modern contests). I started learning from Jensen Kimmitts freestyle videos. I’ve been yoyoing hardcore for about a year.