How long do you play your string at?

I really like long string, can’t let material go to waste!

I just keep it the way it comes. :slight_smile:

yeah, I almost dinged the first yoyo I tried @ the meet if I wasn’t cautious to throw the yoyo from really high up.

I used to use string like 2ft. long, which made me incredibly fast, but wasn’t practical because i’m 5’7. So now its around 3ft.

Like 2in below my belly button. Like allmost 3a length. Ya, I know, it’s kinda weird, but it works for me. :slight_smile:

I tie off maybe a quarter-half inch. Much shorter for 2a though, and 3a I like double what I cut for 1a. 5a is the same as 1a, maybe a tiny bit shorter, and 4a is always full lentgh.

As close as I can get it to my belly button when I make it… Plus I still am using the same string I made like two or three months ago is that like weird or not a good idea I don’t yoyo a whole lot but it’s not like I never pick the thing up how long do people normally use their strings I don’t want to be a total green horn when it comes to string so if any one can shed some light on this it would be appreciated. :slight_smile:

I change string almost dailey, if that helps.

1a: I tie a new slipknot below the original slipknot
2a: Just below pocket length
3a: regular 3a length… Like 2 inches below belly button? (Kudos to Yoshi for showing me this)
4a: Some custom long string like… 3 inches above belly button
5a: 1 inch below bellybutton, maybe less.
I like my string a little shorter so i can increase my speed, precision, and control. It also helps my tricks look cooler. For 3a and 5a especially I use a shorter string for more control of the yoyo and speed/agility. For 4a i like longer string, since i have a Bigyo. String is really all just preference and such.

I cut my string at the beginning of my rib cage because I’m only 4’2

About 1 inch above my belly button.

I’m somewhere around here… depending on the yoyo.

Same here, I can acually do 5 or nothing

I play highlights at the stock length.

If the string is too long I try to cut it to about that length.