How long did it take you to complete all the tricks on this website?

I’m curious as to how long it takes most people.

Some people a Month. Others a year.

I took a loooong time because I don’t like to learn. So I still haven’t done all the tricks, but I can do others from other places…

I still haven’t and I’ve been yoyoing for over two years, haha. I kinda stopped trying to learn tricks once I got to around expert and started doing a lot of my own stuff.


8 months to learn all the YYE tricks
5 months to learn all tricks in the check list
3 months to learn expert(1and 2) to master

I’m confused.

Are the YYE tricks not the tricks in the check list? Does this mean it took you 8 + 5 months for that? Learning expert to master doesn’t count as part of all the YYE tricks or the tricks in the checklist?

My brain hurts. :smiley:

I still haven’t learned all the tricks in this website. A few I skipped because they don’t work with the way I throw. I did learn most of them, though.

I don’t think I’ll ever finish them. :wink: Typically I just learn what I want.

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How do you throw?

Anybody finished 1a-5a and mobius? I bet josh and andre have, anyone else?

I haven’t even finished it all and I’ve been yoyoing for almost 3 years. I found tutorials boring and I just started coming up with my own tricks, but even that I fail hard.
I’ll get back to it eventually though.


YYE tricks are for everyone but time, frustration, yoyo breakage, string use, bearing burn out, may vary. Individuals suffering from string burn, hyper extended elbow, and/or wrist pain may want to take a break on occassion, or use the other hand. ;D

Don’t worry you have a lifetime to get it all figured out. :wink:

It’s all good!

2 years, still haven’t completed it. I’m somewhere in the Advanced 2 area, mostly, but some Advanced 1 tricks I still can’t do yet.

I have been yo-yoing for about 6 months now and know most of the 1A tricks on this site. I still have yet to learn a few of the Expert 2 & Master Level tricks though. However I think that its pretty safe to say that everyone learns at their own pace. It depends on a lot of different things such as: how long do u spend in practice per day, knowing other yo-yoers, hand-eye coordination, what type of yo-yo setup you use, how much you enjoy yoyoing, ect. I agree with the person who’s post read something like; “Once I got to the expert level I started making up my own stuff/style…” There is no set time limit; just have fun!

Never did. Just kind of ran away with my own tricks after probably Expert Part 1. I personally think that’s a better route anyway. :wink:

I still have not completed some of them because I do not like front style:P

Same here. But i yo on and off due to school. But now I’m back and I’m trying to finish off the ones i couldn’t figure out before.