How good is the YYJ Hitman Pro

I was wondering if I should it or different metal yoyo around 45$ ???

One of the best yoyos out there for that price. ESP if you are only looking to buy something new.

You might be able to get a nice used one drop for about 20$ more.

Its a matter of preference I think…

Isn’t it all?

I have the Hitman Pro. Yeah, it’s nice. It’s definitely targeting grinders for sure with the big metal rims. It is undersized, but is well weighted and balanced.

I compare this to the XCon Pro, which is also undersized, but it is a yoyo that makes you IMPROVE to use it. It’s a good performer, but it’s also an excellent trainer. It doesn’t grind well though, which considering it’s a JD signature throw, I find that a bit surprising.

I am glad I have the Hitman Pro in my collection. I do like it. The Clear with the “carbon fiber caps” looks really cool, but I sometimes wonder if I should have ordered the mirrored caps.

There’s a lot in that general price range. The DM2, SFX, Fever, new Breed, SR-71, Cerberus, Vigilante, and C-Force. It really comes donw to preferences.

But it is true, it all comes down to preferences. The only right answer is what you find that works best for you.

Good enough. If it was bad, why wold YYJ sell it?