How does that make you feel? (A self therapy thread)

Man I’ve got bug bombs galore from my in-laws had to fumigate there old house when we helped them move cause it was terrible

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Yeaaa I looked up lifespan. Thought we could maybe wait it out.

My wife legit wants to have Carvana pick up the car and just got buy a new one


We actually found a pest control company that is going to fumigate the car.

Interestingly enough they were so accommodating in switching my whole home service to them as well


This weekend I had a little reminder of my limitations. Long story short when I was young a screwed up my back and ignored it and eventually had to have spinal surgery. I was lucky and only had minor lose of feeling and mobility in my left leg.

Flash to this weekend I took the kids to the roller rink and put on skates for the first time since I was a teen. I realized quickly I can’t actually lift my left leg enough to push off. It was pretty eye opening and made me realize I probably can’t ski either which is what caused my back injury in the first place.

Kids had a great time regardless and there aunt came to skate with them and saved the day.


I was afraid you were about to tell a story of falling on those skates and having some debilitating injury. I’ll let you in on a little secret…. Skates can be very dangerous to full grown adults who can use decades to measure how long it’s been since they’ve worn a pair. :rofl:


I lived on skates it seems for my early teen years.

In my 40+ year old head “Oh Yeah I can Skate!”.

But my 40+ year old body will probably have different ideas.

Havent been on skates in over 2 decades.



It’s a reality check when something you DID isn’t something you can just DO again. I used to be able to sleep anywhere, now I need a machine to breathe at night and if I sleep a little wrong I’m out of commission the next day. I don’t have a good desk chair at home and I thought “this stool will work”. I couldn’t walk for two days it twisted my lower back (old football injury) so badly.


Sorry to hear that.

This past year I just rediscovered skiing. Last skied 40 years ago. Was an instructor and ski patrol and did a lot of the usual crazy things you do when you’re 25. This last winter I participated in an adaptive ski program at Breckenridge. First time I ever skied Colorado. Did OK. My son got me back on skis about 6 weeks before that trip and it pretty much all came back. Yeah, I don’t/can’t do a lot of the stuff I did way back, but it was good to get out again. Planning on a full season this year and another Breckenridge trip.

So, yes, feeling good.


That’s awesome. I’m hopping if I try to do some physical therapy exercises I learned I can strengthen my leg a bit and maybe do some stuff again I just didn’t realize how bad it actually was till I was on skates and couldn’t move forward.


Forgot to add, I tried ice skating a couple of years back - no go. Used to roller skate a lot too, but don’t feel confident for that.


just gotta “say it out loud”. im having to take medicine that makes me light headed if i stand more than a few minutes. haven’t been able to really dive into the new pif’s, much less play what i already have. i know ppl out there have it way worse than i do and I’m not looking for sympathy,


that is all :saluting_face:


I’ve recently started tracking my headaches and lightheaded spells so I can try and identify if it’s medicine, sugars, Bp, time of day, etc

I definitely take meds that could really throw me off and have no idea what specifically does it.