How does that make you feel? (A self therapy thread)

So, I can’t afford a therapist and don’t have a large group of folks to talk to in my life honestly and with being a remote employee I have a better quality of life but I’m also way more isolated than I’ve ever been before.

I imagine others probably have a similar story and I know my problems aren’t major in the grand scheme of things and life will go on. I figure it might be cathartic to talk about how I’m feeling and what’s going on in life and y’all are welcome to do the same.

Personally, I’ve been feeling mildly overwhelmed in life. It’s not any one thing it just allot going on.

Work has been ramping up while being continuously short staffed and over worked. I’ve also been really burnt out this year and trying not to show it, but I’ve been doing the work of two-three people for a year and a half and while I’ve been recognized for it and compensated fairly for the additional load, I’ve been feeling the strain hard and its unmotivated me making work feel like a never-ending slog that just keeps piling with no end in sight. I get it everyone probably feels this way and my job is relatively easy at least to me but it’s so tedious and mind numbing.

I’ve also been having a bunch of stuff popping up. My dog being put down and the legal troubles both criminal and civil that have come along with that have been challenging and I still miss my dog. Putting down our oldest cat was tough, and I miss my office cat the others don’t hang out with me like crookus did. My mom went into the hospital a few weeks ago and was in and out for a bit due to a stroke. She is now stable in a rehabilitation center but that’s put a strain on the family and isn’t cheap.

On top of all of that my kids are growing up and it’s hard to believe my little man is going to kindergarten soon and my baby girl is going to preschool, and we have another due in July. life is flying by, and I remember when I was able to hold my babies in one arm easily.

Then there are all the little annoying things like my Van had a recall (Honda) and the fuel pump blew but they won’t have parts till august so I’m in a rental thankfully paid for by the manufacture as its their problem and covered under warranty but still it’s another thing. My house had a section we found doesn’t have water proofing around a window that we have had to call in our home warranty about and thankfully new construction that should be covered but it’s a hole in the house and more stuff to worry about. Just silly things that keep adding up.

Thankfully other than getting mildly sick this week my health has been holding up and other than my mother everyone else in my family is doing well and in good health and even my mother is recovering and on the mend at this point.

As silly as it is especially to folks not in the yoyo community, I’m proud of what I’ve been doing in yoyo. YYBC and the events we have run have been fun and awesome and I hope they have added something to everyone’s lives. The DC area club DMVT has been growing and I’m in talks with a few places for a venue for a spring 2025 Washington DC yoyo contest if things can keep on pace. I’ve acquired less yoyos this year while still spending about the same, so I’ll take that as a draw but at least the things I’ve been acquiring are way higher quality and I’ve been making stuff (3d printing and modding and such) which is super cool. My skills haven’t improved as much as I would like but I can tell I’m more consistent in what I do know which while not much is a measurable improvement from my past self, and I will take that win however slight.

All this to say I see I have good in my life and there are some awesome people in this community that have enriched my life in ways I can’t express properly but I appreciate greatly but I’m still feeling overwhelmed and maybe chatting about it will help me put it in a better mental frame. I know I’m personally very fortunate and in a great place vs many many other people both in our community and in the world but it’s hard not to see all the cards stacking up and feel a lump in your throat you know.


I’m with you dude. Life has felt hectic lately, to say the least. I think that comes with the territory of raising toddlers.

I know, just as far as yoyo, you’ve had a TON on your plate. I can’t imagine how you juggle all those responsibilities.

I am super grateful for you, Brandon! Our community is very lucky that you decided to be a part of it.

If you ever want to vent about dad/life stuff or talk about yoyo or anything at all, my inbox is always open.


You’re a pillar of this community. You have accepted major responsibility in all areas of your life. Perhaps you have been slacking off on your responsibilities to yourself? Self care is most easily put aside, when it really must be first. When those masks drop you have to put yours on first before you can help all the others. You are much respected here. Remember that. And tomorrow is another day.


Sounds like you’ve spinning a ton of plates! Always make time to take care of yourself each day, even if it’s just a 10 minute guided meditation. It helps to write down two self-care goals for each day. You’ll find that you’ll start exceeding those daily goals after a while!


Hi, my name is Josh-Shwa and I’m a yo-yo addict.

My whole world changed when I lost my mother a few short years ago. Hold on to the time you have with yours! I pray for her speedy recovery!

Currently I’m working through 2 teenage girls and a wife, god bless her, approaching menopause. Holy cow, we have a lot of emotions flying in our household! Yo-yo grounds me.

The ebbs and flows of life can be really great but also super daunting. I too am a lucky man and blessed in so many ways.

Thanks for sharing.


50 years ago a single income family of average means could afford a home, vehicles, freezers filled with food, vacations, random trips, this, that, and the other. A person could drive to work with relative confidence that the people on the road around them “cared” about how they drove and could be loosely depended on to drive responsibly. At work you could spend the day with people who; for the most part, did their job…even if they did it poorly. When corporations began getting rid of people and keeping the workload the same because it was the last step they could take to keep profits rising, then you have individuals expected to do the work of at least 3 people. Then you come to today where even if you have people there, it doesn’t mean they do anything at all!!! That increases the workload of those who can’t stand for things to get left undone. After a short time of that, you are then expected to maintain this workload as well. So the point of all of this is…when you feel like things have always been this way…they have not. This is one of many examples.


Jobs became unbearable when companies stopped focusing on anything except getting not sued by shareholders for not posting higher profits.


Being an adult is hard.

Between work, raising kids (I also have one in kindergarten and another going into preschool soon), maintaining a home, dealing with health issues, finances, etc, etc… of course I’m stressed and full of anxiety.

Everything is too expensive now and on top of that no one anywhere appears to know what they are doing. It’s exhausting.

Lucky for us, yo-yos make the pain go away.


Overwhelmed is still the order of the day. My health has been stabilizing these last few weeks as I change some lifestyle, habits and meds around with a goal of stability. My family is overall in great health and spirit and handling changes like rock stars. New baby has assimilated well and is super chill. Son starting kindergarten and going on adhd meds could be easier but it’s not been terrible. My 3yo daughter is an emotional terrorist and I often have to walk away but I’m begging it’s a phase.

One thing I noticed on my parental leave is I’ve been burnt out hard with work. I let myself get deep in a hole and wasn’t able to see a light anymore. I’m going to work on adjusting what I take on and learning to say no but I’m dreading going back next week.

Everything else in my life I’ve slowly tried to gain a desire to do again and move forward. I’ve been slow and unresponsive and I know it and folks deserve better from me but I’ve struggled some days to self motivate enough to do more than just exist and I’m not usually that person so i know I’m in a funk.

All that to say I know I’m fine but I’ve been off and I don’t really know why but I’m trying to get back to a good so I can really do good in the community and not let people down.

Also thank you to everyone who reached out about my health mental, spiritual and physical these last months. I can’t remember everyone but I truly appreciate the checkins advice and shared experiences from @Bobparty @Pun1sh3R @Slestak75 and the list goes on from there. The above probably seems scattered and that’s cause it is but that’s how I am right now.


Always here for you my friend!!! @Captrogers


I am finding out that “Self Care” is a thing.

Apparently I can not take care of things I should if “I” am not ok.

This feels very selfish to me. The person I see in the mirror is at the bottom of my to do list.

So this is a journey I am starting as well. Sounds intellectualy correct and “Should” be fairly easy to do, but I am still struggling with this concept.

ADHD Meds for your Boy can be a blessing. We held off on meds for so long. Diet, Behavioral Specialists, etc. We tried it all.

Ultimately medication “Was” the correct answer. The first medication did not work for us. My Son was almost a vegetable. The one he is on now, he still has his personality, but can focus and not be “as impulsive”. He is still a boy though.

We are still here for you. Thanks for the update. You are not alone.


Indeed you are far from alone. I wish there were wise and intelligent words that could be helpful but the truth is we are all living and functioning in a system that is broken. The working people are pushed to exhaustion and then even further every single day and there is no empathy, no compassion, no concern at all because if you get overwhelmed and shut down… you are replaceable. Better yet, why replace you at all when we can just have the rest of these losers pick up the slack. When thinking, feeling, caring individuals are met with this day after day it takes them right where you are Cap. It is beyond understandable for you or anyone to feel hopeless. Because where is the hope when all you see is more of the same without end? Nothing is ever good enough and the workload never ends. We are all just expected to roll over and allow ourselves to be walked on without end. I can’t say any of this will help you or anyone feel any better, but at least you can know that it’s not just you, and you can know there is ample reason for you to feel like you do. We are not meant to deal with never ending, ever increasing pressure and yet that is where the majority of people find themselves. Hang in there buddy. There are people here who actually care and that alone can help.


You know what’s funny - I frequently have to remind myself to “do” something for myself. With a wife and kids and dogs and obligations. I frequently forget I exist.

Probably why I yo-yo. Time to myself, collecting, talking with people about it. Self care if you will


@Captrogers just an update on our situation. We found a brown recluse in my wife’s car today. So that’s fun


Sounds like it’s time for a new car


I’ve been getting better and better about taking time for myself. It all started with 20 minutes of exercise each day and yo-yoing during the pandemic. Little steps, and each little step is a victory worth celebrating.


Hang in there!

Setting limits and saying no are two of the most important skills in a modern workplace. Make sure you practice often!


Literally called a bunch of pest control companies until I found one that would fumigate it hahah


That is something I try to make a priority rather than a chore for me as I get older.

Eating well, good foods no junk. Taking a daily walk for a few miles. Making sure I get enough sleep.

It’s amazing how much that specifically adds up to better mental health as well as physical.


hey, they only live a year or two…time is on ur side :face_with_hand_over_mouth::crazy_face: