How's life going?

You don’t have to get personal unless you are comfortable doing so. Just asking in general. We are a pretty niche but tight net community, and that’s awesome. Side note, if you aren’t doing too great and just need a friendly ear, hit me up anytime.

I’ll get things rolling. Things are solid. Food on the table, twins just graduated 8th grade, job is work at home, got healthy hobbies, misses is good, and I got a small but nice yoyo collection. When I smile, it’s no longer fake or forced.


That’s awesome, brother.

I need to find a work from home job.

I have a tendency to be a complainer, whiner, pessimist…. You get it. But I’m trying to change that about myself. I’m trying to remember how good I actually have it, and it’s working!

I’ve got two happy, brilliant, healthy, beautiful children, a beautiful wife (not actually married, but we’ve been together for 13 years and have 2 children together. She’s my wife), more yo-yos than I can shake a stick at, the weather is getting better. I could go on and on.

I’m learning, a little late but, nonetheless learning that, if you focus on the bad, you get the bad. If you focus on the good, that’s what you get. It’s not always easy. Sometimes things are hard, and that’s okay.

I’m happy for you, Rich! Thanks for sharing :pray:


At school for 10 more days (That ends june 11), which is great, cus I need way more time to practice my freestyle.
Saw my school counselor a week ago and it made things much better for my mental health. I even got one the virtue of the month award (its a virtue thing that my school does every month), and that gave me a free dress down pass!
Just because I don’t have a bully, life is still lonely for me. And since its near the end of the year, no ones gonna try and hang out with me. Everyones always talking about being on google docs to study with each other, and saying they invided pretty much EVERYONE in the grade (I go to a small private school, so theres only 2 homerooms), and of course, I’m not in it. They also always talk about hanging out with each other on fortnite, but they never wanted to play with me. Sometimes they ask me what video games I play, and I just say fortnite, and I end it there so I don’t get embarased. I play minecraft every once and a while, but it can get really boring since nobody plays with me, so instead, I sadly watch youtube shorts on my phone, getting tips and how to be “cool”, but not being “cool” And there is this event in my city, where it is the anniversary of when the city was made, and every hangs out with each other and invites to others to hang out with them, but of course, nobody said yes to hanging out with me so far.
I also have trouble in school for some reason, and I do pretty bad in tests and stuff like then, and thats why I never talk to my classmates about grades and stuff like that, because almost all of them are straight A people, while I’m a c-.
And of course, since I’m a “slim boy with no muscle”, I get made fun of in conversations. People always make fun of me for not going to the gym, which I did, until my dad cancled the pass to save more money, it after I didn’t use it enough. I try to explain things out to my friends, but they don’t care. Comparred to my rich private school friends, I am on a low level to them. I see them sometimes looking at there houses when they try to see where they are, and I see their house, and it is HUMUNGOUS! I have a house that is much smaller than theirs, but they always say that it is average. But rememeber! I am one of the 7 people in my family. My brother is 15, I’m 13, my brother is 11, my little sister is 8, and my brother is 5. Obviously, it can be really hard to get along with family when there are so many young kids crowded into a small house. I also always see my classmates at my table with their yummy snacks, while I’m snacking on off brand food while my classmates talk over me. And one of the people can be nice, but is also a jerk.
So in the end, life can be A LOT better. The school year is about to end, so that will make it 10 times better, and meeting more of my yoyo people at nationals will make my moral skyrocket. So right now, life is a 6.5. It is pretty mid and has lots and lots of bumps. It OK right now, but I really want to leave school.


I’ve been much better, I’ve also been much worse so I can’t really complain.


Raising kids and trying to get a new or better job is most of my time, but I’m loving seeing the kids grow and sharing moments with them.

I just got back into yoyo. I played in the late 90s and then came back to it in 2019 for a couple of years and took another break when my kids were at the baby stage.

Right now the challenge is choosing which style to focus on and how many throws to buy. I did a big YYF Amazing Sale and bought something for each style to see what fits me, my space and time in life. I love fixed woods for looping and simple horizontal tricks on metals. Going to try 5a and off string.

The trick in life is finding how much time and energy to dedicate to these wonderful things I love. I also practice and create music, play MTG with friends and occasionally retro gaming. Music is priority but I love how yoyo has a similar calming effect on me. Gaming has been less and less each year. Anyone else notice that as you get older? I’m almost 40.


Life has been so busy and this week the family is all sick.

I took my first sick day today in over a decade cause even I am feeling miserable.


So sorry brother.

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Life’s been good. Tad overwhelmed and been having some blood pressure issues to accompany my blood sugar issues but otherwise well. Family of 5 is doing good overall


Doing alright.

Feel like I’m starting to hit the “drudgery” of mid life.

I have great kids, great wife, nice house. We’re all healthy with food on the table. Which I know is more than most can say.

But it just feels like it’s the same day over and over again.

I mean, could absolutely be worse for sure. But it’s weird to think this is going to be it for the next 30 years until I hopefully retire.


Just got my Blood Pressure under control after about a year of struggling. If you need any advice or wanna talk it out hit me up. It can be stressful for sure!


Hey all is well trials and tribulations of life are expected and met with exuberant, excited, anticipation. Just some general good thoughts.

Life is a journey without a destination. Enjoy the ride fill your ship with people who are willing, to at least work as hard as you are willing too, at maintaining the trust and respect in all relationships.

My ship has not alway been filled with the best and it has sunk in bad storm, I was lucky enough to save the important things before they were lost. I treaded the waters as best I could for a while. With help from kind people, I found solid ground. I rebuilt my ship, it was empty for a while being cautious. I took my time filled it with good people. I gained mutual trust and respect and was given a chance to be a more positive person.
Remembering this, it has served me very well in times of challenge.


I’m surprised I handled this as well as I did. My son threw a coffee cup at the tv. Both met an untimely end.

I keep reminding myself he’s coming off his ADHD meds around that time and only 5 and the TV can (eventually) be replaced…

In blood pressure news it’s not much better and this little event didn’t help. I’m working on it though…


Kids can really work on your nerves. We all worked on our parent’s nerves too… I still do. :rofl:


I am getting payback for how I treated my parents.

I was the little (something another) that flooded the house and broke so many very very valuable things and overall was a menace


Honestly could be better, broke an arm and its mostly recovered. Its hard to get into horizontal tricks with it though. School just started and im nervous with this being senior year. Some things in my social life are kinda messy but not too bad


Right now life is amazing. My wife and i have been trying for a baby for 9 years. 9 long, heart breaking, discouraging years. Found out her thyroid was whacked out. Fixed it.

We have a 3 week old baby boy now. :melting_face: Killian Douglas McClellan.

Can’t even put it into words but… wow. It’s just incredible. He’s incredible, my wife is an absolute beast, watching her go through the hardest thing a human can do… i have a seriously high respect for woman and mothers now. I did before but, now it’s x100. what they have to go through. Woman are incredible creatures.

Been off work for 3 weeks and don’t go back until nov 4th. Dreading going back and leaving my baby at home.

But yeah… life is incredible man. We are so over the moon about him. He’s perfectly healthy and possibly a ginger (yes!!) wife is a ginger too.

Haven’t done too much throwing but been playing a TON of one handed gameboy, catching my pokémons while bouncing the babe. Lol

The days and even the time of day are just… so blurry. Currently 1 am but it feels like noon to me. But it’s dark. Hoping i can get a few mins of sleep around 7am or so. We’ll see how Killian wants to do it. We’re on his time now.

I can speed run a diaper change now too. Lol

Wouldn’t change a single thing and i could not ask for more. So blessed. So very very blessed. :heart::heart:


I’m so happy for you. For every broken TV or diaper blow out there’s a hundred beautiful moments that make it all worth it.


Life has been going pretty good as of late. I’ve survived 44 years on this rock floating through space, just celebrated 15 years of marriage earlier this year, I’ve been on a creative tear with my yo-yoing, and I am having what is shaping up to be my best hot pepper season since I started growing chiles a decade ago. Unfortunately, that also means I’m going to be spending almost every other day in dehydrator jail until early November. But that’s just a part of the process, and the price I have to pay for growing such super productive pepper plants.


This is all just beautiful. So happy for you and your wife. To have been able to stay together through such a thing shows that you 2 have something special. And it already sounds like you cherish it.


Thanks guys! No blow out yet, but i’ve heard of this horrid curse. Lol

And dude i actually never thought of it in that way. But it’s true, our bond is very very tight. We are much more then husband and wife. I guess it is true that some (or alot?) of dudes will leave their woman over this. In my eyes, that’s not a man.

I’m the kind of person who gets VERY attached and i’m overly loyal to the things i love, weather it’s a human or like a skate shoe brand. Lol

But we’ve been through and done so many things together, experienced a lot of “firsts” together. We’re friends, team mates, co-op video gamers, parters. I think we’d both die without each other. Man, i love my family to bits. (<-- first time i’ve ever referred to “my family”) that kinda hit me hard in the feels.

Brb, i heard a baby toot.